Just curious for those of you who bit the balsewood and made the $450 car payment, or for that matter have played with it, what do you think? Worth the cash? Good tone? Still use it?
I've got one, but can only compare it to its predecessors, although I've also briefly tested a Tonelab SE. I've owned a GT-3 and a GT-6, and compared to those, it really is much better and more versatile. People tend to think it's just a GT-6 on steroids, but it has a much more defined and responsive tone, is far more dynamic and just sounds more...well, refined, I guess. If you want a really good review, you should check out this article on thestompbox.net. It digs pretty deep and tells you almost everything there is to know.
Definatley worth the cash. I was actually in the market for a boutique amp, but purchased this for recording purposes. It sounds so good and has so much sounds in it, that I bought a Mesa power amp and use it as my live rig now.
I still want a boutique amp down the line, but for now, the GT-8 is so much fun and sounds so good that the new amp will have to wait a while.
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:02
Boss GT-8 Ye or NaY?