Here's a cover I did of VH's Panama. It's possibly, technically, the easiest VH song . So I thought it's for me.
from : localhost/
I recorded this one with Kristal software. 5150 combo with JJ tubes all round from Bob at Eurotubes (I sold my 5150 head and quad). The backing track is from a guitar pro 4 midi file. The guitar was the same Ibanez but with a Breed neck in the bridge.
Sounds the best loud so turn it up!
Won't connect thru for some reason.
sounds great! I've always thought that the 5150 combos (even with stock tubes) sound better than the 5150 heads..I had a 5150 head and I could never get it to sound good...I've played through the combos at guitar stores many times and they always sound great...if I knew then what I knew now, I woulda gotten the combo amp...and I'd probably still have it till this
Awesome inter!! Love the sound and playing!
^ And from him, that's definately saying something!!
I agree, good stuff
this song kicks so much ***. nice playing, i love your tone.
Yes, you have tone.
Thank you guys.
Thanks VHoholic! My playing isn't as precise as yours so I need a bit more gain .
It's my first recording that I can stand listening to more than a few times in a row.
It's a bit lose in a few parts, the bar move just before the breakdown is a bit off and the 2nd set of harmonics just before the chorus are a bit weak. But I'm not the sort of person who does 100 takes and it's fun to just keep it simple.
I think the backing track is simply awesome, It's got a killer kick drum that I try to follow to give it that quot;kick in the gutsquot; feel.
Does anyone get stuttering/skipping on the playback? It's strange that it happens in different places and never in the same place twice. It's probably due to the Kristal software. It's cheap (free) but It's so much easier to use than cakewalk.
shreder75, I really like the 5150 combo too. It's got that hotrodded Marshall tone without the buzz of the head.
Btw, I've recorded my Charvel 750XL with a JB and I'm not that impressed with the recorded tone. It's a shame because it just seems so much easier while playing but ends up sounding too processed and grainy.
Awesome~! quot;Ease the seat back...reach down between my legs...quot; Hahah! Love this song, and you did it justice! What were your settings? I also use a 5150 combo with JJs Are the Breeds ever overpowering through the 5150?
Thanks Biu,
Sounds like you want to do a vocal track . Btw, if anybody does, let me know.
I only have the breed neck (in the bridge) and a paf pro in the neck so I can't really comment on the bridge version. The 10k neck breed cleans up well when you use your guitar's volume through the 5150.
I'm still looking for the perfect metal pup for me. I'm probably going to grab an EMG 85 for the bridge of my Charvel. Tried it before, but since I've now got 2 humbucker guitars, it's probably the way to go.
My settings
gain 5.4
Bass 6
mid 4.5
treble 4.5
res and pres 5
Fun track, sounds great!!
Thanks heaps TO
Sound great! I can only dream.
Thanks briand. Glad you enjoyed it .
Originally Posted by interI think the backing track is simply awesome, It's got a killer kick drum that I try to follow to give it that quot;kick in the gutsquot; feel.
How's about this backing track?
from : localhost/ version sounds great man If you want to stick your guitars in the original, just kill the left channel, and stick the right in a new channel so you can pan it to the centre, and put your guitar on and pan it over to the left.
Makes stuff more fun, but it's illegal I think...
Oh well.
Cheers mate,
I'll try that out.
Btw, your Starwars thing is very cool. Your much better than I was at 17.
VERY well done!
Dude that tone is outstanding!
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:02
VH cover Panama