Are these worth the extra $$. Read somewhere that they last forever, don't remember where. But on average about $10 per set on the web.

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It all started with this thread:
from : localhost//forum/

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I've decided to rename my band

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can anyone compare and contrast these 2 sets of pickups for me? has anyone compared the split sounds of both of these sets? split sounds are very important to me. they seem to be both going for the same thing. i really love my pearly gates, but am considering ordering a set of the rio grandes. thanks.

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I've become infatuated with the tone of a Custom 5, in the bridge of a Tele. Trouble is, finding a Tele with a full-sized humbucker bridge pup really narrows the choices. I've found one that I love. (Page 61 of the Fender Frontline catalog.)

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since my old band broke up, I havent had a band for months.

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I just got my new jsx head recently and its a tube amp, my only cab is my line 6 spider 2 cab, it says it can handle 150 watts max, does that mean it can handle 150 tube amp watts? cause the spider 2 is a SS amp and now im putting 120 watts of tube power into it, would it be okay to crank the JSX through this cab?

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OK my setup has been consistant and pretty awesome sounding for quite some time now.(To me) I get my ear candy from:

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which pickups are the closeest sounding to the wolgang and i'm looking for a dead on sound

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OK I will put some pictures up later, it is WAY past my bedtime and I just dont feel like going thru all that now haha I am just trying to test the water.
This is a NICE guitar and I really like it, but I am wanting something different.

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