
can anyone compare and contrast these 2 sets of pickups for me? has anyone compared the split sounds of both of these sets? split sounds are very important to me. they seem to be both going for the same thing. i really love my pearly gates, but am considering ordering a set of the rio grandes. thanks.

Rio pickups are great although I feel they have a rounded top end that sounds duller than Duncans. They have all the other wualities that I like in a pickup and are very thick and musical with alot of dynamics depending on how hard you pick. I have the BBQ, TEXAS, CRUNCHBOX, PUNCHBOX. Give the m 9/10 as they could be a little more bitey.

do a search on the of out brothers (Dr. Barlo) has made several threads about the PG's, CC's and Rio Grande Texas/BBQ, as well as sound clips!

I just replaced a pair of Pearly Gates with a BBQ/Genuine Texas set in my Hamer Special FM. The result: not as big of a difference as I expected. To me, they sounded very similar. They all share a similar amount of top end sizzle and bite. The BBQ may be a little hotter and harmonically rich. Overall, they are all great pickups, but maybe not quite my cup of tea.

Can't help with the split tones, sorry.

how do you think a BBQ in the bridge and a pearly gates in the neck would sound in a les paul? seems like that might be a pretty good pairing. no?

Originally Posted by war pighow do you think a BBQ in the bridge and a pearly gates in the neck would sound in a les paul? seems like that might be a pretty good pairing. no?

That would be excellent! I really like the BBQ, but was not too thrilled about the Texas, so the PGN would be right on.

As long as that's the sound you're looking for, it would be great. I think they would match up quite nicely.

I think you are going to find a big drop in bass when going from the bridge BBQ to the neck Pearly Gates. I would use an A5 bucker in the neck instead, and a higher output one to match the intense mids of the BBQ.

Also, to get the most out of my BBQ, I turn the treble up on my amp real high. The pearly gates may sound too thin in that situation.

I am not knocking the pearly gates at all, it is a great pickup, but I dont think it will match nicely with the BBQ. Kind of like a single coil neck with a fat humbucker in the bridge.

I think its really unfortunate that the texas doesn't have a little more sparkle on the top end, if it did, the Texas/BBQ combo would rule!

Originally Posted by war pighow do you think a BBQ in the bridge and a pearly gates in the neck would sound in a les paul? seems like that might be a pretty good pairing. no?Awesome with the treble/ prescence up on the amp. I have a BBQ/TEXAS in my Goldtop and a CRUNCHBOX/PUNCHBOX in my LP studio. I am done with pickups unless Duncan or Rio comes out with a similar pickup with a more full rang EQ for the highs. I hear the MUY GRANDE is like that but never trid it?

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