Hey guys.. I was wondering if I could stick my DD trembucker for the bridge in the neck of my Ibanez RG 550 since I've got a Dimarzio Tone Zone now on the way and I thought the DD was too bright in the bridge.. First time I've not liked it in any guitar.. Not that I didn't like it, but that it was missing something .. Anyway, the Tone Zone is awsome in the Ibanez.. as I've had it before, so I thought since the DD was way bright in the bridge, it would probably be good in the neck, but it would probably be over powering since it's about the same or a little more or little less than the Tone Zone it seems.. I don't know this for sure.. Anyway, why coudn't I wire it as a single coil or split all the time in the neck for that single coil sound? Then it would sound great I bet! Can someone tell me how to do so? I'd really appreciate it.. I'd also like to make it work with the Mid pickup and the mid and neck combo together like normal, but again, just as a single coil.. Is that possible? What about just the Tone Zone and the DD working together, but again the DD in the neck as a split pickups so it's got less output, but still enough, etc..
If you want to use the stud coil all the time, ground the white wire, and use the black for hot.
If you want to use the adjustable coil, ground the green wire and use red for hot.
Or you could wire it paralell, so you got a single-coil sound with no hum.
For this use black amp; red together for hot and ground green amp; white wire.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
How do I wire the DD in the neck as single coil?