Recorded direct via USB, accompanied by MIDI bass and drum machine. Amp model is 'plexi jump lead' with 'killer z' as boost.
from : localhost/ - HOF.mp3
OH man that was good! Reminded me of Into the lungs of hell by megadeth, i'll bet in some way or another your a fan of mustaines right? It was awesome. I wish I had a podxt live.
whoa, now i want one
will the normal kidney bean POD XT sound the same as that? *drools*
As usual Drew, that was badass!! Sounded great man...get off on ya bad self!!
a fellow kentuckian!!!!! good stuff man
Originally Posted by Impwhoa, now i want one
will the normal kidney bean POD XT sound the same as that? *drools*
ya, the xtlive is the same thing as the xt, just in a floorboard model. i think the xtlive comes with one of the model packs already tho (fx junkie?).
Thanks for listening guys. I'm not that familiar with Megadeth's music, except for RIP. I must be channelling that on some level at least....this is the second song in a row that someone has compared to them.
I think I'm going to have to pick one of these up for death metal clients who have horrible rigs and for some rockin' thrash on my own;
this sounds menacing! Great song too; Shred on!
Thats very good sounding!!
Glad to be of aural service!
thats a bloody good piece, to me it sounds kinda quot;lamb of godquot;, doesnt sound nothing like a plexi though
awesome stuff bro ..mind sending me the patch you used ?.... thanks chris
Bumb For A Buddy
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
POD XT Live direct