
I've become infatuated with the tone of a Custom 5, in the bridge of a Tele. Trouble is, finding a Tele with a full-sized humbucker bridge pup really narrows the choices. I've found one that I love. (Page 61 of the Fender Frontline catalog.)

Is there any single-coil sized pickup, that comes even close to the sound of a C5? I mean . . . real close.

Twangbanger, maybe . . .


Artie, I don't think there is. I'd go for a Tele Hot Tapped. It's alnico 5 and the hot output would be around 15.6K according to the specs. The tapped output would be 8.2K.

The Quarter Pound Tele Tapped would be 17.38K (full) and 8K (tapped).

I'd go for the tapped version as the tapped output is cleaner and clearer for rythym playing and for combining with the neck pickup.

But I don't think either one is going to sound like a C5.


Thanks Lew. That answers my question perfectly. Fortunately, I like the Tele in that link well enough, that it isn't a crisis.

I know today's your day off. I'll be contacting you tomorrow about a tremspaced C5.


Edit: I plan on using this with a QP in the neck, so I don't really want to duplicate that sound.

Today's my day quot;onquot;!

I have monday and wednesday quot;offquot; but I'm never really quot;offquot; anymore.

I put in about 70 hours a week some weeks...

Thanks, Lew

Originally Posted by LewguitarToday's my day quot;onquot;!

I have monday and wednesday quot;offquot; but I'm never really quot;offquot; anymore.

I put in about 70 hours a week some weeks...

Thanks, Lew

email sent.

Originally Posted by ArtieTooI've become infatuated with the tone of a Custom 5, in the bridge of a Tele. Trouble is, finding a Tele with a full-sized humbucker bridge pup really narrows the choices. I've found one that I love. (Page 61 of the Fender Frontline catalog.)

Is there any single-coil sized pickup, that comes even close to the sound of a C5? I mean . . . real close.

Twangbanger, maybe . . .


You could get any tele and do some work on it. Get a tele humbucker bridge warmoth (maybe more places sell them, I don't know) and maybe a new pickguard that will fit the wider bridge. Then just solder a C5 into it.

Yeah . . . thats one of many things I'm considering. But, even though I'm not a quot;label-on-the-headstockquot; kinda guy . . . there's something about a Tele . . . that says Fender on it.

Little 59 is the closest that I have heard in a tele. I also had a full sized c5 in a tele for a while.. pretty sweet. Good luck with your infatuation situation Artie

Originally Posted by StevoI also had a full sized c5 in a tele for a while.. pretty sweet.

The C5, in the bridge of my Genny, has become my most-played pup, in my most-played guitar.
Its a quot;keeperquot;.

Just curious . . . you said quot;hadquot;. Did you get rid of it for some reason, or swap pups out?

Originally Posted by ArtieTooJust curious . . . you said quot;hadquot;. Did you get rid of it for some reason, or swap pups out?

For a while I was a pickup changing maniac I am suprised that my pots are still working, after the amount of solder jobs that they have endured. I did a lot of experimenting.
I currently have a Seth Lover in that guitar. That seems to work better for the current tones I'm trying to get. One of these days the c5 may end up back in there.

.. just happen to have a clip
C5 in Tele - Marshall JCM800

What about the BG1400 Stevo?? Maybe a little over-the-top....

Originally Posted by Butch SnyderWhat about the BG1400 Stevo?? Maybe a little over-the-top....

The BG1400 has more of an edgy single coil tone - to my ears. I really like it but don't think it sounds like the c5, as much as the little 59 does.

That was cool Stevo.

Here's a quick clip of mine, that I threw together real quick just before posting. Its my typical drum machine, simple chord progrssion on the QP's, and a couple of quick and dirty leads, both done with just the C5:

Custom 5 demo

(Its around 3 meg.)


Stevo - Really nice C5 tones! What did you use to record the clip? What speakers are you using? I'm running a C-5 in an Ibanez RG through a hotrodded '59 bassman/jtm 45 clone and looking for tones like that.

Artie - That's a sweet tune bro! It has a surf feel to it.. which I have a liking for You got some nice mellow tones and the melodies really flow. Nice job

Twoheadedboy - thanks man The amp is actually a 1979 Marshall JMP 2204 which is the same as the original 50 watt jcm 800s. I can get that similar tone, plus good clean tone with my 1987x reissue, which is now my favorite amp. I use a Weber Mass attenuator so I can crank the amp and make the tubes cook at lower volumes. Maybe that would be possible with your amp? The speaker is a Weber Blue Dog Ceramic 30 watter. I use cakewalk guitar tracks, with a shure 57 mic to record.

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