
You guys seem to know everything about Duncans so I figure I might as well ask the most knowledgable. I'm only 21 and go to school and work, so I don't play live or anything. All I have right now is a Line 6 Flextone II (2x12) Combo. I primarily play metal/quot;punkquot; (whatever that means now) and hard music. My amp tends to be at times muddy (sounds kinda like someone through a wet towel over it) and really quot;woofyquot; during palm-muting (not the good kind of bass). I want something bright and smooth sounding, with enough output to produce really bright harmonics (pinch). Also really chunky and hard-hitting pam-muting. I had an LP with a JB and it sounded good but a lot of the time it sounded somewhat muddy and dull. I'm getting a Schecter (probably 006 Elite). I know I'm not going to get everything I want, but considering everything I said, what do you guys think would be my best bet? I know you are all mostly SD guys but I was considering possibly an EMG 85 too, just to throw that into the mix. Thanks guys.

Full Shred or the Custom 5! If you want LOTS of brightness, go for the Demon! Overall, the Custom 5 will be the most versatile.

I found the Dimebucker is very articulate, great with pinch harmonics and has a decent growl with distortion. I would be cautious pairing EMGs with a solid state amp. Try it first to see if you like it. I played several Line 6 amps before I bought my Cyber Twin and I never liked the sound that came out of them with active EMGs (at least 81s).

i've been planning on probably just getting the regular custom.....but will that be good enough to get the chunky metal PM sound and bright hamronicS?

The Custom would be my suggestion. Not the brightest pickup that Duncan makes, but certainly not dark.

Originally Posted by italic zeroThe Custom would be my suggestion. Not the brightest pickup that Duncan makes, but certainly not dark.

1!!! I suggested the Custom 5 becasue its bright but, the Custom is actually my fvaorite Duncan pickup!

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