
On a whim, I picked up a Duncan JB at the Local Music Go Round, amp; dropped it into my Strataziod last night, replacing the Dimarzio SD that I've had forever.

Man, what an improvement. Didn't know what I was missing. Matches pretty well with the Fender American sc amp; the Duncan SSL-1 that were already in there. (I use the bridge pu split mostly, amp; then switch in the other coil when I want a boost) Maybe it's the alnico magnet, but it doesn’t sound as constipated as the Super D. Pinches amp; chicken-picken' seem to come out better too.

I'm likin' it so far.

im rather happy with mine- splits great, very tight bass, and not too thin or too muddy-

Originally Posted by zionstratim rather happy with mine- splits great, very tight bass, and not too thin or too muddy-

What sort of guitar is your JB in?

(Long lag between posts = vacation)

...and what kind of body wood and fretboard wood?

for 6 months the Jb was the only pup on my guitar, last SAt I insatlled single coil in the neck ( i dont know what make ) that i picked up from the guitar shop.... and it suprisingly blends beautifully with the Jb in terms of out put and tone... The Jb is a great pick up

My guitar is a home made Strat - a Mexican Fender body (Alder? one of the ones with the laminated veneer on the top and bottom) and an old Boogie Bodies maple cap neck)
Wired with a super switch like this:
1 = Neck SSL-1
2 = Neck amp; middle (Fender Am Strat)
3 = Neck amp; JB stud coil
4 = JB screw coil amp; mid
5 = JB Full or split when tone control is on 10

How does position 3 sound? And why the stud coil instead of the screw coil?

Cool! The JB has the best split coil and parallel tones I've ever heard from a humbucker. In parallel it reminds me alot of a Tele lead pickup. In series, I find it to be a bit to powerful to use with vintage output neck and middle single coils and when I switched to the neck pickup for rythym I found that I didn't really need to lower the volume of the guitar: the neck SSL-1 was already at a clean rythym volume compared to the series JB!

The JB gets a bad rap sometimes because its upper mids/lower treble frequencies are a little sharp and pronounced, especially if you're playing alone and standing close to your speaker and I've even complained about it myself...but it's a classic and great pickup in the right guitar and onstage it gets a great tone: Especially in a single pickup guitar where you can adjust the tone of the amp to really bring out the best in the JB without having to worry about a neck pickup.


Originally Posted by chillHow does position 3 sound? And why the stud coil instead of the screw coil?

Like a Mustang with both pickups on. I was hoping it would sound fatter, for more of a Chuck Berry / Rock-a-Billy sound, but it's OK. I used the stud coil so it'd be hum canceling in phase in that position. I suppose I could have that one in series instead of parallel, but then it might be too loud to balance.

Originally Posted by Lewguitar....

The JB gets a bad rap sometimes because its upper mids/lower treble frequencies are a little sharp and pronounced, especially if you're playing alone and standing close to your speaker and I've even complained about it myself...but it's a classic and great pickup in the right guitar and onstage it gets a great tone: Especially in a single pickup guitar where you can adjust the tone of the amp to really bring out the best in the JB without having to worry about a neck pickup.


I've heard that some guys like it with a Jazz in the neck slot.

Originally Posted by Big Boy BobI've heard that some guys like it with a Jazz in the neck slot.

Yep...that's the combo Seymour recommends and which Jeff Beck used in the Tele-Gib: a Tele with dual humbuckers that Seymour put together for Jeff. It's a great and very complimentary combo of pickups. I've installed that combo in several Epiphone Les Pauls and it made them into totally professional sounding guitars.


Originally Posted by Lewguitar

when I switched to the neck pickup for rythym I found that I didn't really need to lower the volume of the guitar: the neck SSL-1 was already at a clean rythym volume compared to the series JB!

The JB gets a bad rap sometimes because its upper mids/lower treble frequencies are a little sharp and pronounced, especially if you're playing alone and standing close to your speaker and I've even complained about it myself...but it's a classic and great pickup in the right guitar and onstage it gets a great tone: Especially in a single pickup guitar where you can adjust the tone of the amp to really bring out the best in the JB without having to worry about a neck pickup.

Congrats!Yes exactly adjust the tone on your amp and u can forget about the neck pick up,, that what I did.. and I still do for the JB....and again it matches the single coil well..just the way u put it

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