I want to get some decal bobbin toppers for my Ibanez SCA220 that I just picked up and make the pickups creme/black zebras. But what color mounting rings would look best? There is black on there now, or should I go with creme rings. If anybody has a black guitar with zebra pickups, please post some pics so I can see how they look. Thanks
neon green
I'd go with the black rings... Zebras with a creme ring on a black guitar would look somehow strange imo...
I say black and GOLD!
Id go with black
cream rings look cool with zebras on an LP. on a black Ibanez, IMHO better black or chrome.
Cream plastic rings topped with thin black metal rings. (You may have to sand the plastic down a little to accommodate the thickness added by the metal ring).
The black metal rings look nice with black tuners / bridge / etc and the addition of the plastic rings enhances the zebra look of the pickups.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
What looks better on a black guitar?