
I recently replaced a Jensen P10R in my Mesa 4x10 b/c it was popping/buzzing at medium to high volumes. To the naked eye, it looks normal. The amp is perfect again after the speaker replacement. Any value in keeping this speaker?

If you are worried about the value of the cab I guess that it depends on what you replaced the Jensen with.

I'm just wondering if the old (bad) speaker has any value in terms of parts/other.

Well I suppose that you could have it reconed for about $45 but then that's about what it would be worth if you sold it after the repair. As far as selling for parts, I don't think that it would be worth very much.

Would a reoning help if there are no visible defects on the cone?

Without actually seeing and hearing the speaker I can't really tell you much more. Do a search for Reconing and that should give a bit more information than I can give.
Here's a link to find a Local Speaker repair shop:
from : localhost/

Most speaker damage that requires reconing is not visible on the cone. Most trouble has to do with the voicecoil being damaged of out out of alignment, so that it rubs the sides of the magnet gap, or bottoms out in its slot. We call the repair quot;reconingquot; becuase you have to remove the cone to get at the voicecoil, then replace it.

I think any name-brand speaker frame amp; magnet are worth saving. The magnet and frame are very tough, and can be made new by reconing. Guys like Ted Weber can even custom-tailor the speaker with a different cone/col/dustcap combination.

If this particlar speaker isn't worth more used that it costs to recone, I suspect that reconing is STILL cheaper than replacing it with a new one. Have it reconed and keep it as a spare. Better yet, have it reconed as something slightly different, and experiement.

A Jensen P10R RI is a pretty light duty speaker...if you are going to put it back in the same application, it'll just blow again. Been round and round with these and the blue frame Eminence P10R---I have about ten blown ones in a pile in the shed. I just can't see spending the money to end up with another 10 watt (real world, maybe) speaker. Cost of a recone is about the going used price for these things, so...maybe not worth it. Check out the Weber Signature alnicos if you want something economical that might last...

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