
Can someone please explain the mystery about putting full size humbuckers into a Strat? I have a tremelo-equipped American Strat that is routed to accept bridge and neck humbuckers. Will the guitar accept any humbucker or does it have to be F-spaced? The distances between E-strings are 48mm (neck), 51mm (bridge), and the nut is 43mm. Are all humbuckers standard size with regards to fitting into a Fender Fat Strat pickguard? Will the screw holes line up? Thank you much for any info.

Welcome to the forum.

You need a Trembucker () or F-Spaced (DiMarzio) in the bridge for the poles to line up with the strings and a Standard spaced in the neck. You can use either a Standard or Trembucker, doesn't matter. It's just that the outer strings won't line up with the poles, hence the reason for Trembuckers or F-Spaced models. Both will fit in pickguard routed for a humbucker.

Many of the Duncan humbuckers come as trembuckers as well. They're just noted as TB-11 or TB-1 instead of SH-11 or SH-1.

Polepiece spacing on a Fender bridge humbucker are generally wider than a quot;regularquot; Gibson HB. Duncan calls them quot;Trembuckersquot; as well as the quot;Parallel Axisquot; series, Dimarzio calls them quot;F-Spacedquot;. The neck HB on a Fender is the same as a Gibson neck HB. I'm 99% certain that the only difference for regular vs. Trembucker is the spacing, the size of the pickup is the same. If you get an HH, HSH, or HSS pickguard for a Strat everything will line up.

EDIT - Erik beat me too it.

Oh you may need sand off the area around the pickup in the bridge because the trembucker versions are slightly wider than the regular size ones. If you have humbuckers with the covers style of holes than you should be fine, otherwise it will be a tight fit probably.

Thanks to everyone for the great replies. The Duncan website does not do a very good job explaining this topic, but it's all clear to me now. Now to just decide on which pickups.....

Pearly Gates or Custom Custom are GREAT in a strat. I also have on with a JB in it that I like very much.

Is there a noticeable difference in tone between using a Trembucker and a regular bucker in a Strat?

Originally Posted by toneIs there a noticeable difference between using a Trembucker and a regular bucker in a Strat?

Yes if you check the measurements on width the trembucker is slightly wider.

Though I don't think it comes in Trembucker, I once played on a Strat with a Seth in the bridge and it was way sweet. I have a PATB-1 which is a great sound too - a bit fatter, more modern. I've actually changed the magnet to an Alnico 8 as well, which adds to the punch. I like it.
BTW, what gear do you have and what styles do you play?

Originally Posted by greendy123Yes if you check the measurements on width the trembucker is slightly wider.Sorry, I meant difference in tone between the two. Forgot to put it in the first time.


AFAIK, tone between SH and TB models are as identical as two pickups can be.

Generally speaking F-Spacing is usually only needed for the Bridge to line up better and give you a more consistent feel and sound. It doesn't make a world of difference, but it's a good idea.

I will also say, I like the APH1 in the neck of the Brian Moore guitars I have played. Very strat-like. I have played strats with '59s in them and they sound good as well, although I prefer a ballsier bridge model versus a softer neck.

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