OK my setup has been consistant and pretty awesome sounding for quite some time now.(To me) I get my ear candy from:
American Nashville B Bender Tele into a Fender Blues Junior Relic.
My pedals are as follows: Crybaby 535 wah--gt; TS9--gt; Phase 90---gt; Echo Park Delay.
I love the way this setup sounds and it's nice and quiet. The thing I want to do is add a solo boost somehow without adding a ton of noise. If I have the TS9 engaged and want to step on something else to increase the volume(and keep my tone) what would I need to stick beside the TS9?
I bought Visual Sound Jekyl and Hyde tonight because in the music store it seemed like it would work, but when I added it to my rig it sounded good until I engaed in a solo then it was like....welcome to noise city. I play at church and I really have no room for the extra noise. I plan on taking the Jamp;H back.Help!!!
Pickup Booster. $79.99 at a dealer near you.
The SD booster is a great idea, and a bunch of folks really like it.
There are other products you can use, some of them pricy, but great. Fulltone Fullboost is a good one. I personally like the Fulltone Fulldrive II. Great, great distortion/overdrive pedal and it has a transparent boost button you just step on and go.
Here's my idea-
Wire a volume pot, with treble bleed resistors of course, to 2 input jacks and a bypass.
Turn the volume on the pedal at around 7, and set your amp's volume to your typical rhythm setting. When you step on the pedal it will bypass the volume pot, and you'll get that pure, noiseless extra volume. It's like having a footswitch for volume control pretty much.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Help...I need some tone advice!!!!