
Took a few nights, but it's done. Would have been done quicker but I was missing a part or two. Had to hit Home Depot and a local electronics parts store.

Clean headroom is pretty low as you would expect a 2xEL84 amp. I put one of the new GZ34 JJ rectifiers in it and also, a trio of those new JJ Telefunken copies. I tried a Groove Tube Mullard copy in V1, but preferredthe new JJ. I've got some of the normal JJ ECC83S coming and the latest Chinese tube, along with the TAD 12AX7. I'll figure out the best combo, but the new JJ Telefunkens, JJ EL84s and the JJ rectifier sound fantastic.

The gain is just smooth and never harsh. I played my Tele (A2 vintage SD neck pup) and my R8 with Antiquities in it. I prefer the Low input for both guitars actually. I might have to tweak the HI input.

Amp is quiet as a mouse fart. Even with using Carbon Comb resistors. I used Mallory 150 coupling caps in this one. I also used some overseas electrolytics that Ceriatone has started having made for them. No problems and they are high heat 105C versions.

I just got some Sprague Atom electrolytics in from Mouser and I'm going to swap them in at some point to see if there's a difference. The problem is that Sprague doesn't make the 22 uf and 33 uf that this amp needs. I got the 20uf and 30uf Sprague Atoms, so since most caps have a plus/minus of 20%, the 20 versus 22 shouldn't make any difference.

I used Cliff jacks (marshall style) on this buildand I like them. We'll see how they hold up versus my normal Switchcraft. The plastic worries me, but there are thousands of Marshalls that have been using them for many years with no problems.

My face and back plates are not done yet, so, no pictures yet.

I've got 4, 8 and 16 ohm outputs on the back. 2 amp fuse and an IEC modular power plug. (like the ones PC's use, I like to be able to take off my power cord if I want)

The original Matchless did not have a standby, but I put in a 3 way toggle switch so the Franklin has a standby feature.

Speaker tests.... Since I do not have my 1x12 combo in yet, I was going to put those Mojo speakers into my Pro Reverb and use the PR as a test cab. I also ran the amp through my PR with the Texas Heats before I pulled them and through my Two Rock american style 2x12 and wasn't impressed that much with either.

The PR has 8 posts for mounting the speakers. The Mojo greenback and G12H30 are 4 post. I haven't run the Mojo speakers in this amp yet. But, the Red Fang sounds great.

The Master is very useable. The tonecontrols(bass/treb) are interactive. turn up the treb too far and it cuts the bass and vice versus. For clean tones, I'm running the gain at 9-10 o'clock and the master at about 11 o'clock. Very easy to dial in a great tone, no matter the guitar.

For Voxish stuff, I just increase the master, for Marshall I increase the gain and leave the MV alone. Increase both and you get this smoothest over driven Vox meets Marshall in a bar and down a half a bottle of scotch.

I'll try the P90 Les Paul later, but humbuckers and tele singles sound great.

Jeff Swanson should have my cab ready in the next day or two. oxblood cloth, cream piping, and I've got some rosewood stain that I'm going to try on some scrap. I've also got a traditional black matchless tolex look head coming in a few weeks.

Pictures as soon as I get my face and back plates back.

Thanks for reading this.

Sounds like a winner has my interest piqued...especially the head. I'm really a 2 channel guy, but you never know. Thanks for the update, I know that the final product will be nothing short of perfect, and will sound as good as humanly're a perfectionist.

If you used an AB switch into the two inputs, you'd have one helluva boost. I treid that earlier and it works great.


Thats great! I can't wait until I have the extra cash (and decide what I want!), you will be building an amp for me!!!

Keep it up and post pics asap!

Cool. How did you arrive at the name?

Well, it's based on the matchless lightning and I had just seen the movie quot;National Treasurequot; and was thinking about Ben Franklin and then the kite, the key and Lightning sort of just hit me.

If the wood's nice enough to stain, a rustic amber color would look cool. I'm excited to see a finished head or combo!

Sounds like a winner to me!, I'm looking forward to seeing some pics and of course hearing some soundclips!

Good call on the removable AC plug. They are so much more convenient than the hard-wired ones. I had one on my old Marshall Valvestate, and that's about the only thing I miss from that amp

sounds good bro! it sounds like something i definitely want in my amp stable in the near future!

anxiously looking forward to clips and pics as well!!!

Pics will be rather easy, clips are going to be difficult. Here's the other part of clips... You can pretty much make them sound just about any way you wish. I'm not sure they are good indicators. People want them, but I'm not sure you can really make them completely accurate. Putting this amp through three different speakers last night made this amp sound very very much different.

I also plugged in my P90 LP last night and it was very cool.

I'm going to offer a 48 hour approval period for the amps. That ought to make up for anyone that listens to a clip, expects one thing, then gets another.

Scott, you´ve definitely sparked my interest with all of this.... If you´ve got a firebreather in the line by next year....

hopefully most people (at least here) will understand there are tons of factors that go into the sounds that can come out of the same amp!? the two day trial period will probably ease alot of pretensions though?! i know you've got to be pretty excited about this...something that you've made that sounds good, looks good, and helps people make music!!!

i forgot to ask if these are going to have a reverb option to them?

I'm really thinking of adding reverb, but part of the beauty of this amp is its simplicity. I've talked a a guy that put reverb in one and felt he lost some of the chime and sparkle.

Originally Posted by ZerberusScott, you´ve definitely sparked my interest with all of this.... If you´ve got a firebreather in the line by next year....

no firebreathers yet. I'm kinda partial to amps that you have to mic in big club situations. But........

I am looking into increasing the Franklins power amp from 15 to 30 watts. (4xEL84)

hmmm...don't ruin a good thing then...just make it the best you can...with our without reverb...whatever works man, whatever works!!!

i 2nd the motnion of a 30W firebreather .. or a 20W fire breather

Or 2xEL34 ?

This amp is already pushing more than the 15 watts it claims. I have got to get one of these to a forum tone fest at some point. I'm very biased here (pun intended) but the natural overdrive is so freaking smooth! Hold onto your butts... I like the overdrive on this amp better than the overdrive on my Two Rock. Yikes!

yes 30 watts and reverb!...... clean sound! hehehe

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