A ceramic one, specifically. Back when I was quot;makingquot; a C5 with a JB and a Custom I somehow lost the magnet from the Custom, which I want to put back together now. Any website that has ceramics for sale? I only ever see alnicos.

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On a whim, I picked up a Duncan JB at the Local Music Go Round, amp; dropped it into my Strataziod last night, replacing the Dimarzio SD that I've had forever.

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As most of you know I just purchased a Gibson Les Paul Standard a while back. It came with a pickguard but I really don't want to install a pickguard 1) because I don't like the look of them and 2) I don't wanna have a hole drilled into the guitar to mount it. But on the other hand, I wanna protect my guitar from scratches. I have considered a plastic coating like what is used on computer type LCD screens but have heard that its not a good idea. I checked with a music store I went to the other day and they said there was a company that used to make plastic coatings for guitars like I want but they aren't around anymore. Do I have any other options? Anyone have any info on this? Thanks in advance.

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I stopped into my favorite local music shop earlier tonight and in the course of a conversation with the guy who does amp and guitar repair, he was mentioning he's done some very Dumble-like amp mods with old Fender and Traynor tube amps. His opinion was that the best ones to mod are CBS-era Fender silver-faces (as they aren't regarded as very collectible and a fair amount of caps and such would be replaced anyway) and any old Traynor tube combos or heads from the 60's/70's if you ever come across them.

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Every once in awhile, someone asks a question that gets my little gears turning. Like this thread where Andre asks about a pup that goes from a single to a humbucker as you raise the volume.

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I have tried the Duncan Distortion, Demon, JB, and the Full shred. My guitar is a maple body Hamer Californian (yeah I know maple is bright). I play metal but I want a pickup that can do anything. I want a low end chunk but also want upper mids that go waaahhhhh. Is the custom custom or triple custom something I should try. Anyone tried them on a maple guitar?

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The purpose of staggered pole pieces originally was to balance string-to-sting output, right? No one uses a wound G now, so why aren't there modern staggered pole pieces? It seems a bit silly to me to keep the overbearing G just because that's how it was in the 50's. Do flat pole pieces actually give a more quot;balancedquot; tone now?

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Hey all.
I just recently refound a Sebring SB-100 which is basically just a strat copy. It has the standard strat pickup arrangement with 3 pickups, bridge one slanted. One of the pickups is broken and I want to just buy 3 new ones to transform it to the sound I want. I was looking at the Little '59 in the bridge with Duckbuckers in the neck and middle spots combination. What do you guys think of the sound you get from this? What could I compare it to?

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Well, I couldn't help myself. I just bought another Gibson sight-unseen. This time it is a Lucille from Dave's. Since it's at Dave's, a dealer I trust, and not drop-shipped from Gibson, I am confident it will be a good guitar. I just couldn't pass on his sale price of $1595. And I still have my PRS Navarro on order from ccitymusic. Now all I need is a plaintop natural Les Paul custom (70's Norlin style)

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I currently have a 59 in the bridge position of my Ibanez GIO (basswood, maple neck, rosewood fret) Nothing in the neck. I swapped the A5 for an A2 magnet. I love the sound that I am able to get from the clean channel, but I prefer the distortion of the Custom Custom. The 59 seems too edgy when distorted, yet very difficult to overdrive. Yeah, I know, it's medium output. No, I'm not using mounds of distortion. It just seems like there are two distict sounds coming from the 59 when distorted, instead of one. Almost like two different amps running, one clean and one with distortion. With the Custom Custom the distortion was almost violene like. Is it possible to smooth down the distortion of the 59, yet still being able to retain the clean sound. How could I get the clean sound of the 59, yet the distortion of the Custom Custom. I've used the optical compressor, but it isn't enough. Should I go with the 59/Custom hybrid. What about the A5 in the Custom Custom? Swaping poles maybe? Or is there some magical tip to fix this? Thanks in advanced

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