Hey gang,
On my soundclick page; check out quot;Funky Mosquitoquot;; a funny adlib song about a HUGE bug that landed on my head with adlib vocals, I've received comments that its very Beck-esk. Anyway I've just got back to school a bit ago and I'm now in an independant course for recording Tech. of Audio V; At some point I'll post work from some clients of mine but I want they're permission first of course. Anywho, I'll have an MBox and mixer on loan so I will have a lot of intesreting stuff with a bunch of different singers, etc. for you guys to check out. I try not to post up covers due to the lack of time to contact ASCAP, BMI, publishers, etc. sooo... ok I've just rambled forever.
Check out Funky Mosquito
from : localhost/www.soundclick.com/bands/9/testa_music.htm
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
Stuff to check out for the bored.