
I know that the Rev has more gear than everybody on this board but he has not always had it all...any ideas what he was using back on the first album? The tones on quot;Brown Sugarquot; and quot;Just Got Back From Baby'squot; are simply incredible! I know it would have been Pearly Gates and I know all about Pearly but does anybody know what kinds of amps Billy was using that far back to record with? I wish I had the time to woodshead with that record and learn every little note and bend on it...that is some of the best playing and tones ever put down on tape before!

Tweed Deluxe amps,the strat Hendrix gave him,and probably Pearly from what I've read....Never really know what The Rev actually used though?

Chris, go check out that new Billy G coffee table book. It goes through his gear individually and what songs where recorded with them. I've been hinting around to my wife that I'd love that book for my birthday in a couple of weeks. It's awsome! Sorry to get a bit off topic......

Hey Jump....what's the book called, do you know???

quot;Coffee With Da' Rev.quot; ????

Definitely something I'd like to have

WAY ahead of you boys...bought the book the day it came out!!! Ordered it 6months ago or more...good book, very cool but only touches on a few specific track/guitar does show the 55 Hardtail Strat he used on LaGrange, the 58 (NOT Pearly, she's a 59) he used on Just Got Paid...however the Pink Hendrix Strat is not in the book and neither his 57 or so Moderne...but the stuff that is there is cool...there is also a lot of stuff on his cars and the bands before ZZ Top and the early days of ZZ Top as well...

Is it this one????

Indeed it is...good stuff!

Yep, that's the culprit! A must have!

What was I NOT knowing about that book....ha....I must have been on crack! LOL!!!Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireWAY ahead of you boys...bought the book the day it came out!!! Ordered it 6months ago or more...good book, very cool but only touches on a few specific track/guitar does show the 55 Hardtail Strat he used on LaGrange, the 58 (NOT Pearly, she's a 59) he used on Just Got Paid...however the Pink Hendrix Strat is not in the book and neither his 57 or so Moderne...but the stuff that is there is cool...there is also a lot of stuff on his cars and the bands before ZZ Top and the early days of ZZ Top as well...'s not a cheep book...not real bad ($30.00) but well worth it. I posted a little blurb about it when I got it but I guess you and Terry missed it. It's split into 3 sections

-The Man
-The Cars
-The Guitars

If your a ZZ Top/BIlly G fan at all and enjoy looking at cars and or guitars it's worth getting...hell, even if you just read the first section it's worth it...the pictures of CadZZillia and Pearly Gates are just iceing on the cake!

Originally Posted by JumpMarine

What was I NOT knowing about that book....ha....I must have been on crack! LOL!!!


He's probably got it memorized by now

If you were to hear the Rev tell it, he'd tell you it was the Expandora through a Crate 2x12 combo. Never mind those weren't around yet- he had prototypes.

Billy loves to tell stories!

I have not memorized the book...yet! very cool thing about this book, is that Billy plays it straight...there seems to be no tall tales in this book...he does however mention the Expandoras and the 2x12 Crates!

Billy's new book is really worth the $40 Canadian for me to pick up.... I've been looking at it at a book store i go to on the weekends. It is a large Coffee Table style book printed on quality paper...... well worth the $40.... I was hoping they would of showed what he used on songs like Manic Mechanic... That Strat or Tele sounds he had on those 79 tunes were great!

Early Top tune i love the best is..... Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell.....

As far as I know he used a couple of early Deluxes he has had for ages on First Album but there are likely a few other amps in the mix as well. I seem to remember him saying he used a Tele and an Esquire on the first album quite a bit as well.

I've got that cassette in my truck's CD/cassette deck. That's one album that I always hit rewind/play, just to memorize cool licks. The whole vibe of those early albums was a lot more akin to Jimmy Page/Hendrix......kinda like a cross between those 2.

The entire album has a vibe that is simply amazing...Billy's touch on Brown Sugar is out of this is his tone on the entire album!

haha, i posted almost this exact same thread almost a month ago. I'm also a huge fan of those early guitar tones. Brown Sugar is probably my favorite blues rock type guitar sound ever. I totally agree about the Led Zeppelin vibes. Wasn't the first ZZ record recorded in London? That might have a LOT to do with it.

It was recorded in Texas...however, it was released on London records.

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