
Hopefully you remember our conversation at the UK UGD Evan, as I am a complete gimp, and I forgot the pickups you advised.

I am upgrading my Peavey Millenium 5-String Bass, and you gave me some great advice on why I should choose active pickups over passive, and you pointed out in the source book, the best model to choose.

What was it again, as I cannot remember for the life of me?

Thanks very much, and cheers for a great day!


Marvo the Memory Man strikes again!!

while we're on the subject of forgetting nuggets of wisdom, could you run a list of those bands seymour recommended to us one last time? cheers


Hey Tentpeg. I believe I recommended the AJJ-2 Pro Active for Jazz Bass with the STC-2a two-band active tone circuit, which is perfect for a three-control bass.

Imp, I'm not sure which bands you're talking about. Sorry, mate. Marvo strikes me too.

Thanks Evan, you're a gem. They were the pickups we talked about.

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