Im looking for a new bass. I play pop-punk. My budget is $400 and under so any suggestions are welcome. I was already looking at,

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What pickups do you typically use? P90s, buckers, singles... which models?

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what say you? one trick pony?? usable tool?

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I played at the school basketball game half time show with the band, and i went with the 'amp on 9.5-10, guitar volume for volume control' method. When time came for my solos, i just dimed the guitar volume and let rip and the sound was glorious-not much to write home about chord wise, but it had this really huge dynamic sound that just sang but wasn't over bearing at all.

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Anyone have a 85 they would wanna trade for my 81? Its in perf condition. We will basically be trading JUST the pickup. Unless for some reason you dont have all the hardware then I'll throw it in for some extra $$. Oh and its the newer Quick Connect one if that matters....

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inquiring foamies wanna know.

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what seymour duncan humbuckers are most voiced like a single coil? (in your opinion)

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I have not had a Custom in a guitar for a while. Wow, I really like this pickup. It cleans up nicely and gets very aggressive with some good distortion.

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Picking up a Vox V847 on Monday, where should I put it in this effects chain:

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im looking for the best possible emulation of really heavy distortion sounds only to use with my peavey classic 50 4x10 combo amp live and for recording.
came down to the vox tone lab and the podxt.

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