inquiring foamies wanna know.
From what I've heard they clean up nicely by turning down the guitar's volume knob.
I bought 1 while I was in NYC and it's a cool little device!
On it's own it sounds ok (for what it is), but plug it directly into a cab or into the front end of a clean amp and it'll drive it for days
It does clean up ok when you turn down the guitars volume control, but it never becomes 'clean' in a true sense of the word
Hope this helps.
it will clean up a lot better if you run it into a cab of some kind...that plastic speaker crunches all the time.
LOL, a couple of weeks ago I was looking to buy one of those... I got an EKO (you might remember my thread form a while back).
I read some reviews, they can clean up, but I'm yet to try it for real.
Best Amps ever. they're clean enough....
I played one of those into the ground during my beginning guitar days. It was a Marlboro Reds cigarette case and I loved it to death! I would say it sounds more like a fuzzbox rather than true quot;distortionquot; and yes, it cleans up pretty nicely.
Again, like some of the other guys have said, it cleans up quot;almostquot;, I don't think this has been said, the cleanliness also depends on how lightly you pick. The amp is pretty sensitive as far as picking dynamics go so keep that in mind when playing.
The only time I ever got mine to sound good was running an overdrive into it, and turning the volume on the pedal down really really low. I also taped a piece of thick paper over the speaker, and it sounds better.
It's honestly worth buying just to use it like a slide to get really neat controlled feedback.
This thread is sooooo old skool.
And they sound pretty kickass powering a 4X12.
sounds good going into my 2x12. I wouldn't use it for cleans though.
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 20:55
SMOKEY AMP: Can They Clean up, or is it a Totally Distorted Device???