****ing Hails GUYS
Holy ****.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Truth And Lies About Installing Emgs..
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Help get my LP out of the mud!
I'm sure you probably get these questions from new people all the time. I have a '97 Les Paul Standard that I've owned since new and is completely stock. It plays like a dream, but is somewhat lacking in tone. I feel the level of output to be somewhat excessive and the tone rather unremarkable. It really feels like your listening through a haze on the bass notes and treble on the bridge can be a little piercing. I've really been spoiled by my '74 LP Custom. I've had the tone of that guitar described as quot;fartyquot; It has a rather low output, VERY well defined bass and and clean, but not shrill highs. Very growly and mean, almost like a Duane Eddy or Johnny Horton sound. You can take my LP Custom and do some Scotty Moore style finger picking and everything in the room will jump when your thumb hits a bass note. Take the Les Paul standard and you might get some vibrations when hittin a bass note, but you literally don't feel that punch. There's no deep, hard hitting, definition, just a thumpy mush. (I'm sure Ebony fretboard makes some difference).
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Hard rock bridge pickup for a PRS Mccarty!
Hell all!
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Smoke smell in strat
Hey here is an odd one but one i'm sure has an anwser as there is tons of strats like mine out there... How can i get the smell of tobacco smoke out of my guitar.. past owner must of smoked more the Keith Richards......
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Where should I put my Classic Stack?
I just got a Classic Stack, (STK-S1), from Butch, and in an effort to minimize how much soldering/desoldering I do, I'm trying to decide which pup to replace in the Strat in my sig. Which do you think might sound better:
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Will the DD F spaced sound good in my RG?
Hi guys.. Hey, I'm buying the Duncan F Spaced Distortion for my RG 550 which has the Edge trem.. I am wondering if you folks think it will sound ok? I mean, I was worried it might be too bright, but after looking at the reviews, most people said it had a lot of bottom? I have had it before, many times actually, but almost every time it was on a Gibson type guitar, except on a Kramer which had a maple body and neck and it sounded good, but a tad tad too bright to me, but I was able to fix it with the EQ.. The same Kramer had a JB in it from the factory and it was way too shrill I thought, which is what I'm worried about with the DD? Do you think it will be too shrill? I had an Ibanez RG a long time back but it had a Tone Zone in it, but it was too bassy, but I did like the harmonics.. I didn't like playing lead with it though.. It didn't seem to me to have the cool sweetness of a Duncan.. It was ok, but the DD is so sweet on a good Mahogany bodied guitar.. it's like it was made for it.. I had one in a SG and a Flying V Gibson and it just rocked in those! Also in a Washburn custom shop set neck made of mahogany and it again rocked.. so I'm hoping the basswood guitar which I think typically is kinda a bassy wood or a blurry wood should sound good.. The trem though typically bleeds off some bass.. So I'm hoping it will EQ out ok...
What you guys think? If this doesn't do what I want, I'll sell it and get me a Dimarzio Air Zone as I hear they are great and have great sustain and cool harmonic overdrive almost like a sustainer pickup when you hold a note.. I'd love that.. and I used to get it with the DD.. in a set neck guitar.. Let's hope I can get it with this RG 550 Cranked with a killer Distortion pedal!
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Look at this distortion preamp I quot;madequot;!
Actually, it's more of a rackmountable distortion box. It has 3 distortions. A TS-808 that I modded a TON. It sounds like BUTTER. A Tweak Fuzz with an extra little circuit I added that allows the fuzz to be more versatile. Lastly, there's a Mesa V-Twin circuit. That V-Twin is stock. Each distortion is selected via ground-to-tip relay jacks. I even made the enclosure! So, what do you guy's think? I knwo the pictures suck.. haha
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
mo cwappy cwips
threw up another 2 sucky clips from my attempts at recording last week
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Wanted: Tonebone and Tech21 Triac clips! Please!
Hello my friends!
- Nov 03 Thu 2011 21:09
Computer parts for sale
Hey guys, I recently upgraded my computer and I have some stuff left over. All of it is in perfect working condition.