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瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

I found this source code which creates a macro to store data from an excel

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I have one sheet called master list which is basically a customer list of:

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Is there a template available that would fill in invoice numbers autmatically
when opened with a new number?

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I am color blind (to same extent). Sometimes I need to determine what is cell
(or font) color in an existing worksheet. I would like to be able to

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I am using Excel 2K/Windows 2K. I have imported a CSV file and created charts
on chart sheets. The file is in the CSV format and a chart sheet is active,

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May I know what is wrong over here?

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I exported data from an application and the date column is formatted as
serial numbers, i.e.: 37935.5140046296

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I am looking to compare actuals to budgeted amounts.
The actuals are real $. The amount budgeted was $0.00. I need the

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How can I create a consolidated a list of data from multiple worksheets, that
eliminates duplicate entries and gives reference back to the source

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is it possible to continue an ascending series from one section of a
worksheet to another part. ie. the columns aren't together. numbers like

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Is there a way to get an excel macro/spreadsheet to automatically save
itself into the XLstart folder of a user who opens it in an email? Or

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I am trying to set the default # of worksheets for a workbook

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I recently lost the ability to launch WinXP 2003 Excel successfully by
clicking on a file. Actually, Excel opens but no file appears - grey

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After adding 34 data series to an x-y chart I save the file. After closing
and opening the file most data labels no longer appeared. If I went to each

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How can I show leading zeroes in zip codes in an Excel spreadsheet? I have
clicked the Tools-Options-View-Show Zeroes but the leading zeroes do not

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Is there any way to carry the formatting of a cell to a linked cell,
particularly the font colour so that if the font colour is changed in

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