Is there any way to carry the formatting of a cell to a linked cell,
particularly the font colour so that if the font colour is changed in
the parent cell the font colour will change in the linked cell?
Any help is appreciated.
Use conditional formatting to determine the text colour of both cells
Click on Cell A2 and choose Formatting gt; Conditional Formatting
Condition 1
Formula is =$a$1=1
Click the Format button.
Choose a Color and OK.
Click Addgt;gt;
Condition 2
Forula is =$a$1=2
Click the Format button
Choose a second color and OK
Now when you enter 1 into cell A1, text in cell A2 will change to your
first color, enter 2 in cell A1 - your second color appears. Enter
anything else in cell A1
the text in Cell A2 reverts to black .
To make a second cell change colour in unison with cell A2, copy cell
A2 and Paste Special gt; Formats.--
CaptainQuattro's Profile:;userid=32763
View this thread:
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
Text Colour In Linked Cell