is it possible to continue an ascending series from one section of a
worksheet to another part. ie. the columns aren't together. numbers like
VMC143 (the sameway you would when you drag a cell down the column.)
thank you
Assuming series goes from A1 all the way down to A65536...
Set B1 = A65536
and then in B2 set up your formula to continue incrementing the series and
drag on down the sheet?
Or am I not understanding the question?
quot;Joe Blackquot; wrote:
gt; is it possible to continue an ascending series from one section of a
gt; worksheet to another part. ie. the columns aren't together. numbers like
gt; VMC143 (the sameway you would when you drag a cell down the column.)
gt; thank you
yes latham. thats the idea. so i can start the incrementing again at say cell
h21 for arguments sake. or any cell really
quot;JLathamquot; wrote:
gt; Assuming series goes from A1 all the way down to A65536...
gt; Set B1 = A65536
gt; and then in B2 set up your formula to continue incrementing the series and
gt; drag on down the sheet?
gt; Or am I not understanding the question?
gt; quot;Joe Blackquot; wrote:
gt; gt; is it possible to continue an ascending series from one section of a
gt; gt; worksheet to another part. ie. the columns aren't together. numbers like
gt; gt; VMC143 (the sameway you would when you drag a cell down the column.)
gt; gt;
gt; gt; thank you
I presume you got this settled?
If not, to take it further -
in the first cell in a new column, reference the last cell in the previous
column and modify your incrementing formula accordingly. Then the 2nd cell
in the new column will pretty much be like the regular ones in the previous
column. Each time you start a new column you just have to do special setup
in the 1st 2 cells. If the columns are of equal length and adjacent to one
another, once you've done this once, you should be able to drag the formulas
to the right and they should automatically update themselves to get the
correct reference.
quot;Joe Blackquot; wrote:
gt; yes latham. thats the idea. so i can start the incrementing again at say cell
gt; h21 for arguments sake. or any cell really
gt; quot;JLathamquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Assuming series goes from A1 all the way down to A65536...
gt; gt; Set B1 = A65536
gt; gt; and then in B2 set up your formula to continue incrementing the series and
gt; gt; drag on down the sheet?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Or am I not understanding the question?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Joe Blackquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; is it possible to continue an ascending series from one section of a
gt; gt; gt; worksheet to another part. ie. the columns aren't together. numbers like
gt; gt; gt; VMC143 (the sameway you would when you drag a cell down the column.)
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; thank you
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:34
continuing a series in a different location