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Having problems with printing worksheet
Have set up to print on a xerox printer with a picture in the header and the

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Is there an easy way (programmatically or otherwise) to show that a macro is
running? The hour glass doesn't always show and simple things, like a

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Is there a way to set up conditional formatting for IP ranges?

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I am doing a mini survey of 8 questions to approximately 400 people. Some
cells I have formatted as only # responses and at the end I have a total for

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How do I copy and past editable ranges from one spreadsheet to another?

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I am trying to devise a way to convert HTML data from several webpages into
Excel. For example, I have surveys that have the same fields that are

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Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and

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I would like to buy the Excel eBook 3 Pak in a downloadable form and all

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Hi, I need to save my file which contains a column that contains a number
with quotation marks. My attempts so far at saving a comma delimited file

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I am using DATE amp; WORKDAY to show working days between activities in a
project plan I am preparing. So that the function can consider public

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I'm trying to make 3 rows. The first is hours and minutes, the second is
wage, and the third is total. I tried using one of Office XP Professional

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I am trying to use this if statement:
IF((J8*J25-J10*J25)lt;=0,quot;0quot;,IF(J8*J25-J10*J25gt;0,quot;J8*J25-J10*J25quot;)), the

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Why is it, with Excel 2000, when you change the text orientation to vertical
and / or invoke text wrapping, and then try to use the auto row height

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I would like to count the number of times “Digital Cable appears in the Data
input example listed below if “Digital Cable” falls within the date options

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I need a formula that will work for this dilema. Column C on my spreadsheet
is dues, plus column b22 is fees to add in if column D has a yes. Thanks so

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\Is is possible to set up an excel worksheet that has different columns (with
different categories) of dates to link or import themselves into a outlook

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what is the underlying formula for the percentrank function

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Hi. I am trying to average a set of numbers but only if the number in the
column to the left is equal to 1. For example:

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Does anybody know of a formula that can look at a sentence of say 3 or 4

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Does anybody know about hierarchical cluster analysis

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