Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and
pasting, or macros, or anything else.
You can try using the Edit | Paste Sepcial |Transpose featu
1. Select and copy the data you want to transpose
2. Position the cell pointer in the first destination cell
3. Select Edit | Paste Special | Transpose
What was a column should now be a row and vice versa.
LPSquot;Marcus Ricciquot; wrote:
gt; Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
gt; rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and
gt; pasting, or macros, or anything else.
Depending on the number of rows you're using--since there's only 256 columns to
work with.
Select your range to Transpose.
find a nice open spot that doesn't touch that original range (a new sheet???)
Edit|paste special|check the Transpose box and hit ok.
Marcus Ricci wrote:
gt; Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
gt; rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and
gt; pasting, or macros, or anything else.
Dave Peterson
Highlight the area covered by your table, then lt;copygt;, then move the
cursor away from your table where you want the new table to be, then
Edit | Paste Special | Transpose (near the bottom) then OK lt;escgt;.
Your could then delete your first table if you wish.
Hope this helps.
PeteThere's also a worksheet function you could use:
Say you want to transpose A1:B5, you could select C1:G2 and type:
but hit shift-ctrl-enter to do the work.
Dave Peterson wrote:
gt; Depending on the number of rows you're using--since there's only 256 columns to
gt; work with.
gt; Select your range to Transpose.
gt; find a nice open spot that doesn't touch that original range (a new sheet???)
gt; Edit|paste special|check the Transpose box and hit ok.
gt; Marcus Ricci wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
gt; gt; rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and
gt; gt; pasting, or macros, or anything else.
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson
you guys are PHENOMENAL!
i remember the quot;paste specialquot; transpose function now, but had forgotten it.
i didn't know about the worksheet transpose function, though. it's a shame
that it doesn't show in the help section under quot;rotate dataquot; or quot;rotate
tablequot;, but only under quot;transpose.quot; it really IS all about language, even in
quot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:
gt; There's also a worksheet function you could use:
gt; =transpose()
gt; Say you want to transpose A1:B5, you could select C1:G2 and type:
gt; =transpose(a1:b5)
gt; but hit shift-ctrl-enter to do the work.
gt; Dave Peterson wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Depending on the number of rows you're using--since there's only 256 columns to
gt; gt; work with.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Select your range to Transpose.
gt; gt; find a nice open spot that doesn't touch that original range (a new sheet???)
gt; gt; Edit|paste special|check the Transpose box and hit ok.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Marcus Ricci wrote:
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
gt; gt; gt; rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and
gt; gt; gt; pasting, or macros, or anything else.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Dave Peterson
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson
Is there a way to rotate info from a range for example:
10134 - 12052.72CELL1FALSEFALSE
10134 - 14020.12CELL1FALSEFALSEinto a single row where the info from above will display as follow10 134 - 1205 2.72 CELL1 FALSEFALSE 10134 - 14020.12 CELL1 FALSE FALSE
quot;LPSquot; wrote:
gt; You can try using the Edit | Paste Sepcial |Transpose featu
gt; 1. Select and copy the data you want to transpose
gt; 2. Position the cell pointer in the first destination cell
gt; 3. Select Edit | Paste Special | Transpose
gt; What was a column should now be a row and vice versa.
gt; Cheers,
gt; --
gt; LPS
gt; quot;Marcus Ricciquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Is there a way - without using PivotTable - to rotate data in an Excel table:
gt; gt; rows become columns and columns become rows? I wouldn't mind cutting and
gt; gt; pasting, or macros, or anything else.
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:10
Can I rotate data in Excel table (rows to columns, and vv)?