Hi, I need to save my file which contains a column that contains a number
with quotation marks. My attempts so far at saving a comma delimited file
produces 3 quotation marks intsead of my original 1 on each side of the
number. In excel it appears as quot;5123quot; but after I save to comma delimited
it appears as quot;quot;quot;5123quot;quot;quot;. Any thoughts on how to save just the single
I would think writing a macro to export the data exactly the way you want it
would be the way to go:
Some samples:
Earl Kiosterud's Text Write program:
(or directly: www.smokeylake.com/excel/text_write_program.htm)
Chip Pearson's:
J.E. McGimpsey's:
Earl's program has a supports lots of different options. You may want to see if
that works for you right out of the box.
If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:
jfazz wrote:
gt; Hi, I need to save my file which contains a column that contains a number
gt; with quotation marks. My attempts so far at saving a comma delimited file
gt; produces 3 quotation marks intsead of my original 1 on each side of the
gt; number. In excel it appears as quot;5123quot; but after I save to comma delimited
gt; it appears as quot;quot;quot;5123quot;quot;quot;. Any thoughts on how to save just the single
gt; quotations?
Dave Peterson
- Dec 18 Mon 2006 20:10
without quotation marks?