目前分類:title (3013)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

How can I sort out dates automatically in a spreadsheet? I would like to be
able to update it by letting it sort out the date

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I have a spreadsheet with pupils marks on,along with their split levels. The
elvels go (from lowest to highest) 3c, 3b, 3a, 4c, 4b, 4a, 5c, 5b, 5a etc.

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Text boxes and drawn boxes in a chart are in different positions in print
preview and when printed. I have tried all combinations in format text box.

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For example I have the number 5 in a cell and need to change it to the word

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I want to determine the p-value of a regression line. I hope someone can

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=(TRUNC(C4)*60 (C4-TRUNC(C4))*100)/(TRUNC(G4)*60 (G4-TRUNC(G4))*100)

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Is there a way that I can easily input a start time and end time
without having to type a colon and an A or P? I have a large amount of

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Is there any way of determining the size of an external file from within a
spreadsheet? Ideally, what I would like to be able to do is something like

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I have created a chart with 2 series. the first is pink and the 2nd is

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I am trying to count the number of unique entries in a column of data but
based on data in other columns. I need this to be automated versus filtering

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Is there an option in XL that if I type data into a cell with a sign
at the beginning the sign will remain?

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I'm using Excel as my database. User access to the Excel database by

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how could i use excel to eliminate certain feilds

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OK, I know the limit of 7 nested ifs, and the vlookup function. But what I
am try to do is the following:

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Hi, everyone. I have a simple question about the excell setting.

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I already have an Excel table which calculates projected milestone dates from
given start and finish dates, and then compares those dates with the actual

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While using VLOOKUP, the result is not showing up...only the formula. But
while I was actually entering the formula in VLOOKUP the value was showing

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