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Hi there.

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I received a Word Doc with names and address of clients. I have to export
them into Excel but they are showing into rows and I would like them to

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How can I copy a formula that references another sheet to a new filequot;

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I have two questions. I have three columns that will have a calendar date in
them. On the fourth column, I need to put in a formula that will count the

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I need to conditional format a cell based on the condition of a

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I have a data table containing 52 weeks data on 20 people e.g. number of
holidays taken in a particular week, Income in a particular week.

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Hi all,

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Is there any way of being able to enter a number into a cell and that number
will represent the width of the column? For example, if I wanted the cell to

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I have a worksheet (in 2000) that was sent to me. The information in the
worksheet was culled from an Access database that I have no access to, and

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have used the template wizard in excel to capture the information in a
workbook into a database. I followed the sets and a database was created

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I need to know how to fix a work sheet so when I choose a Company that only
that company's parts list pop up in a drop down menu, I have gotten it to

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FORMULA TRUBLE!!! I have 1 column with different words in it, then i have a
sheet to track whats all the bins, I am trying to get the last item that was

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I am working on an Excel spreadsheet that lists information on individuals
based on purchase order number, date of the purchase order number in addtion

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am wanting to look up 2 seperate spreadsheets that contain different data.
I am able to do this acroos columns but then I want to be able to

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software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Our company runs with a lot of certifcates and legislation.

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I would like to apply this 80/20 law to groups of items within a given

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Hello everybody,

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

All I know how to do is enter info into a cell. This is a list of numbered
employees. Usually, I would just seleted the cell and delete, but I get

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