I have a list of about 300 names and quot;pointsquot; in an excel spreadsheet.
Each day I have to add more quot;pointsquot; to these existing names. For
example, the list below would be 6 of the 300 names that exist. Lets
say Mike has acummulated 15 more quot;pointsquot;. What I am having to do now
is hand enter the 15 points into the cell that contains Mikes 133
points. This would be =sum(133 15) in the cell for Mike's points. What
I'd like to do is have excel recognize that Mike already has 133 points
and auto add the 15 new points based on name recognition.
Bob 155
Todd 122
MIKE 133
Jennifer 100
Vince 34
Tim 122
My question is if i have a list like this:
Bob 155
Todd 122
MIKE 133
Jennifer 100
Vince 34
Tim 122
Could i highlight the entire data and have the point totals for Mike
consolidated and added under one name like this:
Bob 155
Todd 122
MIKE 148
Jennifer 100
Vince 34
Tim 122Hope this question makes sense.--
kekule's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32092
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=518491This is a typical application of SUMIF. If your second list appearing
above (the one with two MIKE's) is in Sheet1!A:B, then if the list of
names appears in Sheet2!A:A, in column B:B of Sheet2 you can use:
=SUMIF(Sheet1!A:A, A2, Sheet1!B:B)
Kostis Vezerides
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
Adding new data to existing data