
I am trying to use the text to column tool on over 1200 seperate rows. How
can I make the macro do this? I tried to quot;recordquot; but it uses the specific
to the original cell information. I need it to say quot;active cellquot; then
actually run the formula that is text to column for what ever is in the
current cell. Any body have any ideas. Thanks in advance - this project is
huge and this is only the begining.

You can run the quot;TextToColumnquot; feature on an entire column by first
highlighting the entire column, then doing Data gt; TextToColumns gt; etc macro required, unless you specifically want one for
automation purposes.......

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;hioncaffienequot; wrote:

gt; I am trying to use the text to column tool on over 1200 seperate rows. How
gt; can I make the macro do this? I tried to quot;recordquot; but it uses the specific
gt; to the original cell information. I need it to say quot;active cellquot; then
gt; actually run the formula that is text to column for what ever is in the
gt; current cell. Any body have any ideas. Thanks in advance - this project is
gt; huge and this is only the begining.

I am working with some rows that need broken while others do not, they are
intermittantly spread through out the sheet. Also, the highlight several
rows, doesn't work because the text is different lengths i.e. names, with no
delimiters. If you have any ideas on how to make the text to column tool
work more accurately with out the macro, I would love to see it. thanks.

quot;CLRquot; wrote:

gt; You can run the quot;TextToColumnquot; feature on an entire column by first
gt; highlighting the entire column, then doing Data gt; TextToColumns gt; etc
gt; macro required, unless you specifically want one for
gt; automation purposes.......
gt; hth
gt; Vaya con Dios,
gt; Chuck, CABGx3
gt; quot;hioncaffienequot; wrote:
gt; gt; I am trying to use the text to column tool on over 1200 seperate rows. How
gt; gt; can I make the macro do this? I tried to quot;recordquot; but it uses the specific
gt; gt; to the original cell information. I need it to say quot;active cellquot; then
gt; gt; actually run the formula that is text to column for what ever is in the
gt; gt; current cell. Any body have any ideas. Thanks in advance - this project is
gt; gt; huge and this is only the begining.

Maybe something like this.........

Sub TextToColumns()
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Selection, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=True, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5,
End Sub

This macro will do Data gt; TextToColumns gt; space delimited.........the keys
to keep it to operate in the selected cell only is the above text
quot;Activecell.selectquot;, and quot;Destination:=Selectionquot;.....the rest can be
modified to your needs...

Incidently, the Data gt; TextToColumns feature will also work with only one
cell selected, without having to be under macro control.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3quot;hioncaffienequot; wrote:

gt; I am working with some rows that need broken while others do not, they are
gt; intermittantly spread through out the sheet. Also, the highlight several
gt; rows, doesn't work because the text is different lengths i.e. names, with no
gt; delimiters. If you have any ideas on how to make the text to column tool
gt; work more accurately with out the macro, I would love to see it. thanks.
gt; quot;CLRquot; wrote:
gt; gt; You can run the quot;TextToColumnquot; feature on an entire column by first
gt; gt; highlighting the entire column, then doing Data gt; TextToColumns gt; etc
gt; gt; macro required, unless you specifically want one for
gt; gt; automation purposes.......
gt; gt;
gt; gt; hth
gt; gt; Vaya con Dios,
gt; gt; Chuck, CABGx3
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;hioncaffienequot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; I am trying to use the text to column tool on over 1200 seperate rows. How
gt; gt; gt; can I make the macro do this? I tried to quot;recordquot; but it uses the specific
gt; gt; gt; to the original cell information. I need it to say quot;active cellquot; then
gt; gt; gt; actually run the formula that is text to column for what ever is in the
gt; gt; gt; current cell. Any body have any ideas. Thanks in advance - this project is
gt; gt; gt; huge and this is only the begining.

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