My 1st tab is a summary report... references information for all the other
tabs. I want to be able to automatically update the summary report on the
first tab, by entering the day # of the year, and from this... the reports
will automatically reference the next row (based on day) on the other tabs -
so that I don't have to manually update each of the references in my report
I start out with this formula in the First Tab: ='tab2'!C94
but I want to make the row 94 dependant upon a cell in tab1, so I'm trying:
but this is giving me an error message. Does anyone have any suggestions
how I could proceed?
Try this:
quot;Leequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; My 1st tab is a summary report... references information for all the other
gt; tabs. I want to be able to automatically update the summary report on the
gt; first tab, by entering the day # of the year, and from this... the reports
gt; will automatically reference the next row (based on day) on the other
gt; tabs -
gt; so that I don't have to manually update each of the references in my
gt; report
gt; meaning...
gt; I start out with this formula in the First Tab: ='tab2'!C94
gt; but I want to make the row 94 dependant upon a cell in tab1, so I'm
gt; trying:
gt; ='tab2'!C(Y2)
gt; but this is giving me an error message. Does anyone have any suggestions
gt; how I could proceed?
Thanks for the response... but I'm getting a #REF
What can I show you to work through this?
Leequot;Biffquot; wrote:
gt; Hi!
gt; Try this:
gt; =INDIRECT(quot;''tab2'!Cquot;amp;Y2)
gt; Biff
gt; quot;Leequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; My 1st tab is a summary report... references information for all the other
gt; gt; tabs. I want to be able to automatically update the summary report on the
gt; gt; first tab, by entering the day # of the year, and from this... the reports
gt; gt; will automatically reference the next row (based on day) on the other
gt; gt; tabs -
gt; gt; so that I don't have to manually update each of the references in my
gt; gt; report
gt; gt;
gt; gt; meaning...
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I start out with this formula in the First Tab: ='tab2'!C94
gt; gt; but I want to make the row 94 dependant upon a cell in tab1, so I'm
gt; gt; trying:
gt; gt; ='tab2'!C(Y2)
gt; gt;
gt; gt; but this is giving me an error message. Does anyone have any suggestions
gt; gt; how I could proceed?
I removed one of the ' before tab2 and it seems to now be working!
Thanks for your help!
quot;Biffquot; wrote:
gt; Hi!
gt; Try this:
gt; =INDIRECT(quot;''tab2'!Cquot;amp;Y2)
gt; Biff
gt; quot;Leequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; My 1st tab is a summary report... references information for all the other
gt; gt; tabs. I want to be able to automatically update the summary report on the
gt; gt; first tab, by entering the day # of the year, and from this... the reports
gt; gt; will automatically reference the next row (based on day) on the other
gt; gt; tabs -
gt; gt; so that I don't have to manually update each of the references in my
gt; gt; report
gt; gt;
gt; gt; meaning...
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I start out with this formula in the First Tab: ='tab2'!C94
gt; gt; but I want to make the row 94 dependant upon a cell in tab1, so I'm
gt; gt; trying:
gt; gt; ='tab2'!C(Y2)
gt; gt;
gt; gt; but this is giving me an error message. Does anyone have any suggestions
gt; gt; how I could proceed?
I think I had one too many ' in there. Here's the quot;explodedquot; view for easy
=INDIRECT( quot; ' tab2 ' ! C quot; amp; Y2 )
Just remove all the spaces.
quot;Leequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Thanks for the response... but I'm getting a #REF
gt; What can I show you to work through this?
gt; Thanks,
gt; Lee
gt; quot;Biffquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Hi!
gt;gt; Try this:
gt;gt; =INDIRECT(quot;''tab2'!Cquot;amp;Y2)
gt;gt; Biff
gt;gt; quot;Leequot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt; My 1st tab is a summary report... references information for all the
gt;gt; gt; other
gt;gt; gt; tabs. I want to be able to automatically update the summary report on
gt;gt; gt; the
gt;gt; gt; first tab, by entering the day # of the year, and from this... the
gt;gt; gt; reports
gt;gt; gt; will automatically reference the next row (based on day) on the other
gt;gt; gt; tabs -
gt;gt; gt; so that I don't have to manually update each of the references in my
gt;gt; gt; report
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; meaning...
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; I start out with this formula in the First Tab: ='tab2'!C94
gt;gt; gt; but I want to make the row 94 dependant upon a cell in tab1, so I'm
gt;gt; gt; trying:
gt;gt; gt; ='tab2'!C(Y2)
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; but this is giving me an error message. Does anyone have any
gt;gt; gt; suggestions
gt;gt; gt; how I could proceed?
- Jul 20 Thu 2006 20:08
I want to be able to create a dynamic reference in excel, for exam