I would like to keep a group of cells visible when scrolling through an excel
document. I have a frozen the row I want but need this additional information
visible at all times.
Thank you for your assistance
mgdarkman, you can copy the range you want to keep visible and then right
click where you want to put them and paste special, paste link.
Or if you have date you don't want to overwrite you could use the camera
tool to take a picture of the range and put it where you want, the camera is
found under tools \ customize \ commands \ tools \ camera, you can also drag
the camera tool to your tool bar where it will be easy to get to
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 amp; 2003
quot;mgdarkmanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I would like to keep a group of cells visible when scrolling through an
gt; document. I have a frozen the row I want but need this additional
gt; visible at all times.
gt; Thank you for your assistance
Another option to play with .. we could also open another window (or more)
on the same sheet, then tile both windows to taste (I use this frequently)
Click Window gt; New Window
Click Window gt; Arrange gt; Horiz (or Vert) gt; OK
(To close the extra window,
click the quot;xquot; at the top right corner of that window, save the file)
quot;mgdarkmanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I would like to keep a group of cells visible when scrolling through an
gt; document. I have a frozen the row I want but need this additional
gt; visible at all times.
gt; Thank you for your assistance
Perhaps I have not explained myself very well as I have received 2 replies
that don't do what I am looking for. I have a sheet with the panes frozen on
row 4. I have seen sheets that as you scroll down either on the left or the
right a box will move down with you. What I am trying to accomplish is to
move a legend down the page as you scroll. Hope this helps to clarify what I
am looking for
quot;Paul Bquot; wrote:
gt; mgdarkman, you can copy the range you want to keep visible and then right
gt; click where you want to put them and paste special, paste link.
gt; Or if you have date you don't want to overwrite you could use the camera
gt; tool to take a picture of the range and put it where you want, the camera is
gt; found under tools \ customize \ commands \ tools \ camera, you can also drag
gt; the camera tool to your tool bar where it will be easy to get to
gt; --
gt; Paul B
gt; Always backup your data before trying something new
gt; Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
gt; Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
gt; Using Excel 2002 amp; 2003
gt; quot;mgdarkmanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; I would like to keep a group of cells visible when scrolling through an
gt; excel
gt; gt; document. I have a frozen the row I want but need this additional
gt; information
gt; gt; visible at all times.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank you for your assistance
Perhaps I have not explained myself very well as I have received 2 replies
that don't do what I am looking for. I have a sheet with the panes frozen on
row 4. I have seen sheets that as you scroll down either on the left or the
right a box will move down with you. What I am trying to accomplish is to
move a legend down the page as you scroll. Hope this helps to clarify what I
am looking for
quot;Maxquot; wrote:
gt; Another option to play with .. we could also open another window (or more)
gt; on the same sheet, then tile both windows to taste (I use this frequently)
gt; Click Window gt; New Window
gt; Click Window gt; Arrange gt; Horiz (or Vert) gt; OK
gt; (To close the extra window,
gt; click the quot;xquot; at the top right corner of that window, save the file)
gt; --
gt; Max
gt; Singapore
gt; savefile.com/projects/236895
gt; xdemechanik
gt; ---
gt; quot;mgdarkmanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; I would like to keep a group of cells visible when scrolling through an
gt; excel
gt; gt; document. I have a frozen the row I want but need this additional
gt; information
gt; gt; visible at all times.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thank you for your assistance
Perhaps you're referring to this ..
Select say, col B
Click Data gt; Validation gt; Input Message tab
Enter the title, and the input message, eg:
Title: Legend
Input message:
AAA = Triple A
AA = Double A
Click OK
Select any cell in col B, and the quot;legendquot; box will be visible
Move the box to a desired display position
Now when we scroll up / down, the quot;legendquot; will continue to be visible in
the same position (as long as the active cell remains within col B)
quot;mgdarkmanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Perhaps I have not explained myself very well as I have received 2 replies
gt; that don't do what I am looking for. I have a sheet with the panes frozen
gt; row 4. I have seen sheets that as you scroll down either on the left or
gt; right a box will move down with you. What I am trying to accomplish is to
gt; move a legend down the page as you scroll. Hope this helps to clarify what
gt; am looking for
FWIW, you might also want to check out this download:
... traced via:
(It doesn't work in my xl97, needs xl2000 and up,
so guess I'm outta luck here ..)
Thank you for the reply. I will try this later today.
quot;Maxquot; wrote:
gt; Perhaps you're referring to this ..
gt; Select say, col B
gt; Click Data gt; Validation gt; Input Message tab
gt; Enter the title, and the input message, eg:
gt; Title: Legend
gt; Input message:
gt; Ratings
gt; ---------
gt; AAA = Triple A
gt; AA = Double A
gt; etc
gt; Click OK
gt; Select any cell in col B, and the quot;legendquot; box will be visible
gt; Move the box to a desired display position
gt; Now when we scroll up / down, the quot;legendquot; will continue to be visible in
gt; the same position (as long as the active cell remains within col B)
gt; --
gt; Max
gt; Singapore
gt; savefile.com/projects/236895
gt; xdemechanik
gt; ---
gt; quot;mgdarkmanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Perhaps I have not explained myself very well as I have received 2 replies
gt; gt; that don't do what I am looking for. I have a sheet with the panes frozen
gt; on
gt; gt; row 4. I have seen sheets that as you scroll down either on the left or
gt; the
gt; gt; right a box will move down with you. What I am trying to accomplish is to
gt; gt; move a legend down the page as you scroll. Hope this helps to clarify what
gt; I
gt; gt; am looking for
You're welcome. Thanks for posting back ..
quot;mgdquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Thank you for the reply. I will try this later today.
gt; Michael
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Keep certain cells visible when scrolling, not just rows or colum