
Can anyone give me a macro to consolidate worksheets of different books.
workbooks from locationA.xls LocationB.xls, LocationC.xls are in one folder.
having sheets : sales, collection, advances... (sheet names unique, data
starts from row 7 in all sheets in all workbooks)
I want to have one file to show sales, collection, advance - data from each
location pasted one below the other.
I would like to have the macro in consolidation file and I would like to
keep the workbook names in sheet1 starting from column a row 3
pleeeeeeeeeeeese help me.Hi
Take a look at the macros that Ron de Bruin has set up on his site.
That should give you a good start.


Roger Govierquot;Eddy Stanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Can anyone give me a macro to consolidate worksheets of different
gt; books.
gt; workbooks from locationA.xls LocationB.xls, LocationC.xls are in one
gt; folder.
gt; having sheets : sales, collection, advances... (sheet names unique,
gt; data
gt; starts from row 7 in all sheets in all workbooks)
gt; I want to have one file to show sales, collection, advance - data from
gt; each
gt; location pasted one below the other.
gt; I would like to have the macro in consolidation file and I would like
gt; to
gt; keep the workbook names in sheet1 starting from column a row 3
gt; pleeeeeeeeeeeese help me.
Wow Roger, you are great.
First I am trying to work on the examples then I will try with my live data
thanks a million. I will be back...soon
I have to merge 70 files of 8 sheets which will take a week to do accurately.

quot;Roger Govierquot; wrote:

gt; Hi
gt; Take a look at the macros that Ron de Bruin has set up on his site.
gt; That should give you a good start.
gt; --
gt; Regards
gt; Roger Govier
gt; quot;Eddy Stanquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Can anyone give me a macro to consolidate worksheets of different
gt; gt; books.
gt; gt; workbooks from locationA.xls LocationB.xls, LocationC.xls are in one
gt; gt; folder.
gt; gt; having sheets : sales, collection, advances... (sheet names unique,
gt; gt; data
gt; gt; starts from row 7 in all sheets in all workbooks)
gt; gt; I want to have one file to show sales, collection, advance - data from
gt; gt; each
gt; gt; location pasted one below the other.
gt; gt; I would like to have the macro in consolidation file and I would like
gt; gt; to
gt; gt; keep the workbook names in sheet1 starting from column a row 3
gt; gt; pleeeeeeeeeeeese help me.
gt; gt;

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