I'm trying to formulate a cell on the second worksheet that includes a
calculation from a cell from the previous worksheet. how do I write the
formula so it knows that a cell is on the previous worksheet?--
Jozmoz's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=33085
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=531183Let excel work for you.
Start your formula (I'm gonna use =sum() as the function that will be used on
the other sheet's cells):=A1 B9 Sum(
Now use the mouse to select that range on the other sheet:
I got
=A1 B9 SUM(Sheet1!B7:B17
Then hit enter (to be prompted to let excel finish the formula)
or type the close parenthesis to continue typing the rest of your formula:
=A1 B9 SUM(Sheet1!B7:B17) sum(q3:q99)
Jozmoz wrote:
gt; I'm trying to formulate a cell on the second worksheet that includes a
gt; calculation from a cell from the previous worksheet. how do I write the
gt; formula so it knows that a cell is on the previous worksheet?
gt; --
gt; Jozmoz
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Jozmoz's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=33085
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=531183
Dave Peterson
You could use this User Defined Function.
Function PrevSheet(rg As Range)
'Enter =PrevSheet(B2) on sheet2 and you'll get B2 from sheet1.
n = Application.Caller.Parent.Index
If n = 1 Then
PrevSheet = CVErr(xlErrRef)
ElseIf TypeName(Sheets(n - 1)) = quot;Chartquot; Then
PrevSheet = CVErr(xlErrNA)
PrevSheet = Sheets(n - 1).Range(rg.Address).Value
End If
End FunctionGord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Sat, 8 Apr 2006 09:30:45 -0500, Jozmoz
gt; wrote:
gt;I'm trying to formulate a cell on the second worksheet that includes a
gt;calculation from a cell from the previous worksheet. how do I write the
gt;formula so it knows that a cell is on the previous worksheet?
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Formulating between worksksheets