I have a constant value in A3
and wish to put values in A4
that will change.
I want A5 to total A3 and the values
in A4.
I can only get my formulas to add A3
and the new input value of A4.
How can I capture the running total so
A5 accumulates when I input new values
into A4 ?
Regards Ant.
See this:
quot;AnthonyGquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a constant value in A3
gt; and wish to put values in A4
gt; that will change.
gt; I want A5 to total A3 and the values
gt; in A4.
gt; I can only get my formulas to add A3
gt; and the new input value of A4.
gt; How can I capture the running total so
gt; A5 accumulates when I input new values
gt; into A4 ?
gt; Regards Ant.
Right click sheet tabgt;view codegt;insert thisgt;modify to suitgt;SAVE
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Address = quot;$A$4quot; And IsNumeric(Target) Then _
Range(quot;a5quot;).Value = range(quot;a3quot;) Range(quot;a5quot;) Target
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
quot;AnthonyGquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a constant value in A3
gt; and wish to put values in A4
gt; that will change.
gt; I want A5 to total A3 and the values
gt; in A4.
gt; I can only get my formulas to add A3
gt; and the new input value of A4.
gt; How can I capture the running total so
gt; A5 accumulates when I input new values
gt; into A4 ?
gt; Regards Ant.
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09