I have a series of items and a total column. I just want to protect the
formula in the final sum cell. How do I do that without having to protect
the entire column?
1) Select the entire sheet with CRTL A, or by clicking where the row and
column header meet
2) Format | Cells -gt;Protection -gt; uncheck the Locked box
3) Select the 'magic' cell, use Format | Cells -gt;Protection -gt; check the
Locked box
4) Tools | Protection -gt; Protect sheet
best wishes
Bernard V Liengme
remove caps from email
quot;Sue G.quot; lt;Sue gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a series of items and a total column. I just want to protect the
gt; formula in the final sum cell. How do I do that without having to protect
gt; the entire column?
gt; Thanks,
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
How do I protect a single cell in Excel 2002?