I'm trying to do a problem using the Fast Fourier Transform routine in the
tools add-in menu. I need some clues as to how to arrange the inputs. Is
there a reference book of instructions for this routine?
gt; how to arrange the inputs.
Hi. What kind of problems are you having? The input can be either 1 column
of data, or 1 row of data. The output data is in the same direction as the
input. The size of the data needs to be a power of 2 (2,4 8, 16, 32..etc)
(It's a radix-2 algorithm). The data can be either Real or Complex. If you
have Complex data, you could use the quot;Complexquot; function. Example:
Post back w/ any questions.
HTH. :gt;)
Dana DeLouis
Windows XP, Office 2003quot;Tutorguyquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I'm trying to do a problem using the Fast Fourier Transform routine in the
gt; tools add-in menu. I need some clues as to how to arrange the inputs. Is
gt; there a reference book of instructions for this routine?
- Sep 29 Fri 2006 20:09
Fast Fourier Transform routine in Tools add-in menu