I am facing a problem while saving a CSV file from Excel. The problem is
as follows:
I have a CSV file with 1st row having 20 columns and the rest of the
rows having data in first 16 columns and next four columns are empty.
So when I am creating a CSV file in notepad/textpad, the last 4 columns
are represented by 4 commas (',').
Then I am opening the CSV file in excel and using the save as option, I
am saving it with a new name. The new file when opened in
textpad/notepad, the 4 commas are appearing only till first 16 rows.
from 17th row onwards, the trailing 4 commas are not appearing.
I need those commas since they represent empty columns. otherwise the
program which is accepting the csv file will generate error.
I am attaching the original CSV file and the CSV file saved using excel
for your reference.
Please help.
Thanks in advance--
meeta das
meeta das's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31559
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=512540Strange. It surely has ALL the delimiters when I test it here.
But it also has ONLY the rows that contain data and no additional rows.
What's in the extra rows?
HansSaved from a previous post:
This might describe the problem of too many commas in CSV files:
Column Delimiters Missing in Spreadsheet Saved as Text
(It actually describes missing delimiter, but if some are quot;missingquot;, maybe the
ones appearing are quot;extraquot;.)
(But a lot of programs (excel included) don't care about those extra columns.
Maybe you don't have to care, either???)
Maybe you could write your own exporting program that would behave exactly the
way you want:
Here are three sites that you could steal some code from:
Earl Kiosterud's Text Write program:
(or directly: www.smokeylake.com/excel/text_write_program.htm)
Chip Pearson's:
J.E. McGimpsey's:
(or maybe you could build your own formula and copy|paste into Notepad.)
meeta das wrote:
gt; I am facing a problem while saving a CSV file from Excel. The problem is
gt; as follows:
gt; I have a CSV file with 1st row having 20 columns and the rest of the
gt; rows having data in first 16 columns and next four columns are empty.
gt; So when I am creating a CSV file in notepad/textpad, the last 4 columns
gt; are represented by 4 commas (',').
gt; Then I am opening the CSV file in excel and using the save as option, I
gt; am saving it with a new name. The new file when opened in
gt; textpad/notepad, the 4 commas are appearing only till first 16 rows.
gt; from 17th row onwards, the trailing 4 commas are not appearing.
gt; I need those commas since they represent empty columns. otherwise the
gt; program which is accepting the csv file will generate error.
gt; I am attaching the original CSV file and the CSV file saved using excel
gt; for your reference.
gt; Please help.
gt; Thanks in advance
gt; --
gt; meeta das
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; meeta das's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31559
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=512540
Dave Peterson
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
Saving file in CSV format