I'm creating a shift schedule for 12 employees using an existing template
that has rows of different colors that indicate hours each person is in the
office. The company needs a minimum number of employees working during core
business hours. I don't want to manually add all the colored cells per half
an hour per day to see if there are enough employees. Is there a formula for
summing color filled cells?See this page Oy
Regards Ron de Bruin
www.rondebruin.nlquot;Oy!quot; gt; wrote in message ...
gt; I'm creating a shift schedule for 12 employees using an existing template
gt; that has rows of different colors that indicate hours each person is in the
gt; office. The company needs a minimum number of employees working during core
gt; business hours. I don't want to manually add all the colored cells per half
gt; an hour per day to see if there are enough employees. Is there a formula for
gt; summing color filled cells?
See www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.ColourCounter.html for a working
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
quot;Oy!quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I'm creating a shift schedule for 12 employees using an existing template
gt; that has rows of different colors that indicate hours each person is in
gt; office. The company needs a minimum number of employees working during
gt; business hours. I don't want to manually add all the colored cells per
gt; an hour per day to see if there are enough employees. Is there a formula
gt; summing color filled cells?
- Oct 22 Sun 2006 20:09
How do I sum color filled cells in Excel with no values or text?