I am getting an infinite loop when I run this code and today's date
isn't found. I'd like it to do nothing if it's not found. How would I
do that ?
For Each rCell In Selection
If rCell.Value = Date Then Range(rCell.Address).Offset(1, 0).Activate
Next rCellThat code by itself won't produce an infinite loop - it will check each
cell in the Selection then stop.
Do you have event macros running?
In article . comgt;,
quot;Najiquot; gt; wrote:
gt; I am getting an infinite loop when I run this code and today's date
gt; isn't found. I'd like it to do nothing if it's not found. How would I
gt; do that ?
gt; For Each rCell In Selection
gt; If rCell.Value = Date Then Range(rCell.Address).Offset(1, 0).Activate
gt; Next rCell
For Each rCell In Selection
If rCell.Value = Date Then
rcell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
exit for
end if
Next rCell
Naji wrote:
gt; I am getting an infinite loop when I run this code and today's date
gt; isn't found. I'd like it to do nothing if it's not found. How would I
gt; do that ?
gt; For Each rCell In Selection
gt; If rCell.Value = Date Then Range(rCell.Address).Offset(1, 0).Activate
gt; Next rCell
Dave Peterson
done EVER use Selection as the range for a loop.
Selection is directly tied to the interface, and in fact when you say
..activate, you change the selection and the way the loop will work.
Better to specify which cells you want to cycle through..
For each rCell in Range(quot;A1:A200quot;)
quot;Najiquot; wrote:
gt; I am getting an infinite loop when I run this code and today's date
gt; isn't found. I'd like it to do nothing if it's not found. How would I
gt; do that ?
gt; For Each rCell In Selection
gt; If rCell.Value = Date Then Range(rCell.Address).Offset(1, 0).Activate
gt; Next rCell
OK I am still getting an infinite loop. This is the code I have. What
it does is look for a date and then once the date is found, it shades
in the cells with different colors. This is a production forecast where
different colors indicate where the material is coming from.Sub ColorHM()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Dim theRow As Integer
Dim theCol As Integer
Dim NumX As Single
Dim Color1 As Integer
Dim Color2 As Integer
Dim Color3 As Integer
Dim Color4 As Integer
Dim Color6 As Integer
Dim ColorB As Integer
Dim Prod01 As Single
Dim Prod02 As Single
Dim Prod03 As Single
Dim Prod04 As Single
Dim Prod06 As Single
Dim ProdBal As Single
Dim Fcst01 As Single
Dim Fcst02 As Single
Dim Fcst03 As Single
Dim Fcst04 As Single
Dim Fcst06 As Single
Dim FcstBal As Single
Dim theCell
Color1 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(0, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
Color2 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(1, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
Color3 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(2, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
Color4 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(3, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
Color6 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(4, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
ColorB = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(5, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
Prod01 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;B6quot;).Value
Prod02 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;C6quot;).Value
Prod03 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;D6quot;).Value
Prod04 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;E6quot;).Value
Prod06 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;F6quot;).Value
ProdBal = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;G6quot;).Value
Fcst01 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;H6quot;).Value
Fcst02 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;I6quot;).Value
Fcst03 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;J6quot;).Value
Fcst04 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;K6quot;).Value
Fcst06 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;L6quot;).Value
FcstBal = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;M6quot;).Value
NumX = 0#Dim rCellFor Each rCell In Range(quot;C3:BO3quot;)If rCell.Value = Date Then
rCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Exit For
End If
Next rCellFor Each rCell In Selection
For theCol = 0 To 50
For theRow = 0 To 2
If rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Xquot; Or rCell.Offset(theRow,
theCol).Value = quot;1/2quot; Or rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Yquot; Then
If rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Xquot; Then
NumX = NumX 1
ElseIf rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;1/2quot; Then
NumX = NumX 0.5
ElseIf rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Yquot; Then
NumX = NumX 0.9574
End If
With rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
If NumX gt; FcstBal Then
.Pattern = xlAutomatic
.ColorIndex = None
ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst06 Then
.ColorIndex = ColorB
ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst04 Then
.ColorIndex = Color6
ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst03 Then
.ColorIndex = Color4
ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst02 Then
.ColorIndex = Color3
ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst01 Then
.ColorIndex = Color2
ElseIf NumX gt; ProdBal Then
.ColorIndex = Color1
ElseIf NumX gt; Prod06 Then
.ColorIndex = ColorB
ElseIf NumX gt; Prod04 Then
.ColorIndex = Color6
ElseIf NumX gt; Prod03 Then
.ColorIndex = Color4
ElseIf NumX gt; Prod02 Then
.ColorIndex = Color3
ElseIf NumX gt; Prod01 Then
.ColorIndex = Color2
.ColorIndex = Color1
End If
End With
With rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Interior
.Pattern = xlAutomatic
.ColorIndex = None
End With
End If
Next theRow
Next theCol
Next rCell
End SubNaji,
What do you want the routine to do if it does NOT find today's date in the
range. After your first For each...Next loop, you then go to another set of
nested loops:
For Each rCell In Selection
For theCol = 0 To 50
For theRow = 0 To 2
Inside these loops you have somewhere around 50 lines of code to be
executed. Depending on what quot;selectionquot; is when it reaches these loops (and
your processor speed), this could appear to be an infinite loop.
Without any comments in the code, it's a little tough to figure out what
it's trying to do, but it looks like you are looping through your range and
activating the cells with today's date in them. Then it appears you want to
loop through the activated cells (which would only be one if the date is
found?) and evaluate some data that is offset 0 to 2 rows and 0 to 50 columns
from the activated cell. If that's the case, you might be better off with
one loop that evaluates the offsets as soon as it finds the date, instead of
two loops. For instance:
For Each rCell In Range(quot;C3:BO3quot;)
If rCell.Value = Date Then Gosub Eval_Cell 'if it matches the date, go
through the loop below
Next rCell
Exit Sub'exit the routine when all cells in range c3:bo3 have been evaluatedEval_Cell:'beginning of the evaluation subroutine
For theCol = 0 To 50
For theRow = 0 To 2
lt;code between loopgt;
Next theRow
Next theCol
Return 'after evaluating the cell, return to check the date in the next rCell
End SubIf I'm way off base on what you're shooting for, this probably doesn't help.
However, if I'm close, it might give you a starting point on another way to
attack it. You might also want to add a line similar to
Debug.Print rCell.address
to keep an eye on where it is in the loop to know if it's truly infinite or
stalled or if it's just taking a while to evaluate all the conditions.
Good Luck.
Mike Lee
quot;Najiquot; wrote:
gt; OK I am still getting an infinite loop. This is the code I have. What
gt; it does is look for a date and then once the date is found, it shades
gt; in the cells with different colors. This is a production forecast where
gt; different colors indicate where the material is coming from.
gt; Sub ColorHM()
gt; Range(quot;C4:BN6quot;).Select
gt; Application.CutCopyMode = False
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Range(quot;C10:BN12quot;).Select
gt; Range(quot;BN10quot;).Activate
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Range(quot;C16:BM18quot;).Select
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Range(quot;C28:BM30quot;).Select
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Range(quot;B34:BM36quot;).Select
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Range(quot;C40:BN42quot;).Select
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Range(quot;C46:BM48quot;).Select
gt; Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
gt; Dim theRow As Integer
gt; Dim theCol As Integer
gt; Dim NumX As Single
gt; Dim Color1 As Integer
gt; Dim Color2 As Integer
gt; Dim Color3 As Integer
gt; Dim Color4 As Integer
gt; Dim Color6 As Integer
gt; Dim ColorB As Integer
gt; Dim Prod01 As Single
gt; Dim Prod02 As Single
gt; Dim Prod03 As Single
gt; Dim Prod04 As Single
gt; Dim Prod06 As Single
gt; Dim ProdBal As Single
gt; Dim Fcst01 As Single
gt; Dim Fcst02 As Single
gt; Dim Fcst03 As Single
gt; Dim Fcst04 As Single
gt; Dim Fcst06 As Single
gt; Dim FcstBal As Single
gt; Dim theCell
gt; Color1 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(0, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
gt; Color2 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(1, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
gt; Color3 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(2, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
gt; Color4 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(3, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
gt; Color6 = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(4, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
gt; ColorB = Range(LegendLoc).Offset(5, 0).Interior.ColorIndex
gt; Prod01 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;B6quot;).Value
gt; Prod02 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;C6quot;).Value
gt; Prod03 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;D6quot;).Value
gt; Prod04 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;E6quot;).Value
gt; Prod06 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;F6quot;).Value
gt; ProdBal = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;G6quot;).Value
gt; Fcst01 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;H6quot;).Value
gt; Fcst02 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;I6quot;).Value
gt; Fcst03 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;J6quot;).Value
gt; Fcst04 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;K6quot;).Value
gt; Fcst06 = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;L6quot;).Value
gt; FcstBal = Sheets(quot;HM Calcsquot;).Range(quot;M6quot;).Value
gt; NumX = 0#
gt; Dim rCell
gt; For Each rCell In Range(quot;C3:BO3quot;)
gt; If rCell.Value = Date Then
gt; rCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
gt; Exit For
gt; End If
gt; Next rCell
gt; For Each rCell In Selection
gt; For theCol = 0 To 50
gt; For theRow = 0 To 2
gt; If rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Xquot; Or rCell.Offset(theRow,
gt; theCol).Value = quot;1/2quot; Or rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Yquot; Then
gt; If rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Xquot; Then
gt; NumX = NumX 1
gt; ElseIf rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;1/2quot; Then
gt; NumX = NumX 0.5
gt; ElseIf rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Value = quot;Yquot; Then
gt; NumX = NumX 0.9574
gt; End If
gt; With rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Interior
gt; .Pattern = xlSolid
gt; If NumX gt; FcstBal Then
gt; .Pattern = xlAutomatic
gt; .ColorIndex = None
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst06 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = ColorB
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst04 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color6
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst03 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color4
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst02 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color3
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Fcst01 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color2
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; ProdBal Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color1
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Prod06 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = ColorB
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Prod04 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color6
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Prod03 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color4
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Prod02 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color3
gt; ElseIf NumX gt; Prod01 Then
gt; .ColorIndex = Color2
gt; Else
gt; .ColorIndex = Color1
gt; End If
gt; End With
gt; Else
gt; With rCell.Offset(theRow, theCol).Interior
gt; .Pattern = xlAutomatic
gt; .ColorIndex = None
gt; End With
gt; End If
gt; Next theRow
gt; Next theCol
gt; Next rCell
gt; Range(quot;A1quot;).Select
gt; End Sub
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
For Next Infinite Loop