I've been told that this can be done using this fuctions. I want to be
able to type a name in says A1 and in A2 it returnes the managers name.
Then say another name in B2 and in B2 it returnes the manager name.
Any help will be welcomed.
TheTone's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=30029
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497647You will first need to set up a table containing 2 columns - the first
column should list all the names and the second column should list the
manager's name against each employee(?). Assume this table is from L1
to M20. In cell A2 you should enter the formula:
and this can be copied into B2. Now when you type a name into A1 the
manager's name will appear in A2, similarly with a name in B1.
Hope this helps.
You should already have a list of names and associated manager names in
another range for this. For eg, if you have this matrix in range A1 to
B10 and you type in the employee's name in cell C1, use this formula in D1
TheTone wrote:
gt; Hi
gt; I've been told that this can be done using this fuctions. I want to be
gt; able to type a name in says A1 and in A2 it returnes the managers name.
gt; Then say another name in B2 and in B2 it returnes the manager name.
gt; Any help will be welcomed.
gt; Thanks
TheTone Wrote:
gt; Hi
gt; I've been told that this can be done using this fuctions. I want to be
gt; able to type a name in says A1 and in A2 it returnes the managers name.
gt; Then say another name in B2 and in B2 it returnes the manager name.
gt; Any help will be welcomed.
gt; Thanks
To expand on this a lil. Can vlookup be used with dates?
Example...I have a column of dates, names, and numeric values.
Can it return all of the values for Jan? then Feb?, then Mar?
etc....all the way to Dec??
Ltat42a's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=24735
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=497647VLOOKUP enables you to scan through one column of a table looking for a
match with a particular value and can then return the other values in
the matching row from the table. So, for example, imagine you have this
table in cells E1 to H7:
code1 text1 value1 date1
code2 text2 value2 date2
code3 text3 value3 date3
code4 text4 value4 date4
code5 text5 value5 date5
code6 text6 value6 date6
code7 text7 value7 date7
Elsewhere in the sheet (say in column A) you have some values such as
quot;code5quot;, quot;code2quot; etc. In the next column B you can enter the formula:
and this will return quot;text5quot; and quot;text2quot; when copied down.
So, the first parameter is the cell you want to find a match on, the
second parameter is the range specifying where the table is located,
the third parameter specifies which column of the table you want to get
data from, and the final parameter (either 1 or 0, or TRUE or FALSE) is
used to indicate if the table is sorted and if you want an exact match.
Dates, numbers and text values can all be used within the table, as
Hope this helps,
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10