How can I set the value of a cell, using a formula, that will be the
equivalent (especially as a datapoint in a graph) of an empty cell ?
Empty cells produce no datapoint in a graph, but the formula below - the
closest I can come up with - plots a zero (0) when the test condition is true.
I find it difficult to navigate back to this point or 'watch' the
thread/question here. Please reply to . Thanks.
Peo Sjoblom
(No private emails please)quot;DonJ-Austinquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; How can I set the value of a cell, using a formula, that will be the
gt; equivalent (especially as a datapoint in a graph) of an empty cell ?
gt; Empty cells produce no datapoint in a graph, but the formula below - the
gt; closest I can come up with - plots a zero (0) when the test condition is
gt; true.
gt; If(A1=1,quot;quot;,quot;Xquot;)
gt; I find it difficult to navigate back to this point or 'watch' the
gt; thread/question here. Please reply to . Thanks.Hi!
Try this:
This will display as #N/A in the cells that meet the criteria but will not
quot;mess upquot; your chart.
If you don't want to see these in the cells then you can use conditional
formatting to quot;hidequot; them.
Select the range of cells.
Goto Formatgt;Conditional Formatting
Formula is: =ISNA(cell_reference)
Click the Format button
Set the font color to be the same as the background color
OK out
quot;DonJ-Austinquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; How can I set the value of a cell, using a formula, that will be the
gt; equivalent (especially as a datapoint in a graph) of an empty cell ?
gt; Empty cells produce no datapoint in a graph, but the formula below - the
gt; closest I can come up with - plots a zero (0) when the test condition is
gt; true.
gt; If(A1=1,quot;quot;,quot;Xquot;)
gt; I find it difficult to navigate back to this point or 'watch' the
gt; thread/question here. Please reply to . Thanks.
Not sure if I should say quot;Kiitoksia paljonquot; or quot;de'kujiquot;.
This technique will be very helpful. I usually spend a lot of time clearing
and avoiding error states; not creating them. :-)
Cheers. dj
quot;Peo Sjoblomquot; wrote:
gt; Use
gt; =IF(A1=1,NA(),quot;Xquot;)
gt; --
gt; Regards,
gt; Peo Sjoblom
gt; (No private emails please)
gt; quot;DonJ-Austinquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; How can I set the value of a cell, using a formula, that will be the
gt; gt; equivalent (especially as a datapoint in a graph) of an empty cell ?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Empty cells produce no datapoint in a graph, but the formula below - the
gt; gt; closest I can come up with - plots a zero (0) when the test condition is
gt; gt; true.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If(A1=1,quot;quot;,quot;Xquot;)
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I find it difficult to navigate back to this point or 'watch' the
gt; gt; thread/question here. Please reply to . Thanks.
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
empty cell equivalent value