Last night I went two for two, i have that in two seperate rows, how many
times I was up and how many times I got a hit. Now I want to caluclate the
average of that which i know would be 1.000. But I have 30 games this year
and want to at the end of the column calculate my total average for the year.
Thanks for your help.
You will need to enter the appropriate zeros if any
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Confused at Workquot; wrote:
gt; Last night I went two for two, i have that in two seperate rows, how many
gt; times I was up and how many times I got a hit. Now I want to caluclate the
gt; average of that which i know would be 1.000. But I have 30 games this year
gt; and want to at the end of the column calculate my total average for the year.
gt; Thanks for your help.
Say your at bats are in A1:A30 and your hits are in B1:B30.
As you add data, your average will change accordingly. If you want to
get into more detailed stats, visit this site for the formulas.
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View this thread:
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:35
Make a formula to calculate the avarage of baseball stats