
I have an average knowledge of Excel. I am looking for a formula so I can
copy the values in column quot;aquot; into column quot;bquot;. As I enter the value in the
first column I want excel to automatically copy it into the second.


and drag down as far as you need.

Bman wrote:
gt; I have an average knowledge of Excel. I am looking for a formula so I can
gt; copy the values in column quot;aquot; into column quot;bquot;. As I enter the value in the
gt; first column I want excel to automatically copy it into the second.


Dave Peterson

In cell B1, put the following formula and copy it down column B as far as you


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
quot;Bmanquot; wrote:

gt; I have an average knowledge of Excel. I am looking for a formula so I can
gt; copy the values in column quot;aquot; into column quot;bquot;. As I enter the value in the
gt; first column I want excel to automatically copy it into the second.

Assuming that you want the cells in column B to remain blank until something
is added to the cells in column A, in Cell B1 enter =IF(A1=quot;quot;,quot;quot;, A1) and
copy down through your range.

quot;Bmanquot; wrote:

gt; I have an average knowledge of Excel. I am looking for a formula so I can
gt; copy the values in column quot;aquot; into column quot;bquot;. As I enter the value in the
gt; first column I want excel to automatically copy it into the second.

thanks very much, one more question along the same would I copy
a cell from one worksheet to another worksheet within the same workbook. The
same thing, where excel automatically would update the cell.


quot;Dave Petersonquot; wrote:

gt; =if(a1=quot;quot;,quot;quot;,a1)
gt; and drag down as far as you need.
gt; Bman wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have an average knowledge of Excel. I am looking for a formula so I can
gt; gt; copy the values in column quot;aquot; into column quot;bquot;. As I enter the value in the
gt; gt; first column I want excel to automatically copy it into the second.
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson

I think you just need to typ the sheet name in front of the cell
references followed by an exclamation mark.

So - =IF(Sheet1!A1=quot;quot;,quot;quot;, Sheet1!A1)

But one of the more experienced members may want to clarify, as I'm
still on the learning curve with some way to go.

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