I have a set of named ranges that relate to different selections, I need to
be able to make a selection from a value in the range based on validation of
adjacent cell.
selection(s) Ranges with 2-7 values
1w days1w
2w days2w
3w days3w
See www.contextures.com/xlDataVal02.html
quot;Mark Aidequot; wrote:
gt; I have a set of named ranges that relate to different selections, I need to
gt; be able to make a selection from a value in the range based on validation of
gt; adjacent cell.
gt; selection(s) Ranges with 2-7 values
gt; 1w days1w
gt; 2w days2w
gt; 3w days3w
I don't really understand your query, but can you use an offset formula
containing what your adjacent cell returns...
adjacent cell is named adjcell
=offset(start of named range,rows up or down,adjcell)
(this assumes your data is in columns)--
robert111's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31996
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- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:35
Would like to double quot;validationquot; in a table