
I don't what's wrong and I know this never happened.
I inserted a picture in a spreadsheet.
The picture is always locked to a cell, IE when I move it to a different
location on the sheet it will always left or right align itself .
This is very painfull because I want to picture to be in the middle of my
Also I've noticed that I cannot resize the picture freely. Excel would
always resize my picture to match the size on a cell or a group of cells.
I'm using Excel 2003 SP2
I've already tried to unlock the cells and the pictures but it has no effect.
I've also tried to unlock the quot;Lock Aspect Ratioquot; and the quot;Relative to
Original Picture Sizequot; checkbox in the image properties but it has no effet
Has anyone an idea why Excel is doing this?

Many Thanks


Have you tried this?
Right-click on the picture. Select Format Picture. On the Properties
tab, select Don't move or size with cells.

Duangruthai wrote:
gt; I don't what's wrong and I know this never happened.
gt; I inserted a picture in a spreadsheet.
gt; The picture is always locked to a cell, IE when I move it to a different
gt; location on the sheet it will always left or right align itself .
gt; This is very painfull because I want to picture to be in the middle of my
gt; cell.
gt; Also I've noticed that I cannot resize the picture freely. Excel would
gt; always resize my picture to match the size on a cell or a group of cells.
gt; I'm using Excel 2003 SP2
gt; I've already tried to unlock the cells and the pictures but it has no effect.
gt; I've also tried to unlock the quot;Lock Aspect Ratioquot; and the quot;Relative to
gt; Original Picture Sizequot; checkbox in the image properties but it has no effet
gt; neither.
gt; Has anyone an idea why Excel is doing this?
gt; Many Thanks
gt; DuangruthaiYes I tried that but it won't work. the picture still only move from column
to column or from line to line.quot;Bubbquot; wrote:

gt; Have you tried this?
gt; Right-click on the picture. Select Format Picture. On the Properties
gt; tab, select Don't move or size with cells.
gt; Duangruthai wrote:
gt; gt; I don't what's wrong and I know this never happened.
gt; gt; I inserted a picture in a spreadsheet.
gt; gt; The picture is always locked to a cell, IE when I move it to a different
gt; gt; location on the sheet it will always left or right align itself .
gt; gt; This is very painfull because I want to picture to be in the middle of my
gt; gt; cell.
gt; gt; Also I've noticed that I cannot resize the picture freely. Excel would
gt; gt; always resize my picture to match the size on a cell or a group of cells.
gt; gt; I'm using Excel 2003 SP2
gt; gt; I've already tried to unlock the cells and the pictures but it has no effect.
gt; gt; I've also tried to unlock the quot;Lock Aspect Ratioquot; and the quot;Relative to
gt; gt; Original Picture Sizequot; checkbox in the image properties but it has no effet
gt; gt; neither.
gt; gt; Has anyone an idea why Excel is doing this?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Many Thanks
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Duangruthai

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