I'm trying to have Sheet 1 run a macro (code below) that automatically
resizes a merged cell in Sheet 2 when I select new selection from a
drop down box in Sheet 2. My inclination is that I should be using a
Worksheet Change function but I'm unsure how to write the code to call
this macro from there. Also, a problem I don't want to run into is
that the cell on Sheet 1 will not be active since I'm changing it via a
drop down on Sheet 2. Any help appreciated.
Dim CurrentRowHeight As Single, MergedCellRgWidth As Single
Dim CurrCell As Range
Dim ActiveCellWidth As Single, PossNewRowHeight As Single
If ActiveCell.MergeCells Then
With ActiveCell.MergeArea
If .Rows.Count = 1 And .WrapText = True Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
CurrentRowHeight = .RowHeight
ActiveCellWidth = ActiveCell.ColumnWidth
For Each CurrCell In Selection
MergedCellRgWidth = CurrCell.ColumnWidth
.MergeCells = False
.Cells(1).ColumnWidth = MergedCellRgWidth
PossNewRowHeight = .RowHeight
.Cells(1).ColumnWidth = ActiveCellWidth
.MergeCells = True
.RowHeight = IIf(CurrentRowHeight gt; PossNewRowHeight,
CurrentRowHeight, PossNewRowHeight)
End If
End With
End If
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:35
Using this Automatic Resizing Macro with Worksheet Change