please,tell me how to type and record all the details on my computer.I am a
new computer user.
Take a class!
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)
quot;can353quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; please,tell me how to type and record all the details on my computer.I am
gt; new computer user.
Firstly, I wouldn't use Excel. Secondly, I agree with Bob, get some training
quot;can353quot; wrote:
gt; please,tell me how to type and record all the details on my computer.I am a
gt; new computer user.
I am surprised and disappointed at the abruptness of the other responses.
Of course, if you are absolutely new to using a computer, you will almost
definitely be better off working with someone who can step you through the
basics in person.
But, if you want to boldly go where no can353 has gone before...
If you want to enter details of some entity, consider creating a table in an
XL worksheet. Enter the names of the attributes of the entity in row 1
starting with column A. Then, in row 2 onwards, enter the specifics, one
row per entity.
If that is not what you meant by quot;detailsquot; you may have to explain the
problem in some more detail -- or see paragraph 2 above. ;-)
Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions
In article gt;, can353 says...
gt; please,tell me how to type and record all the details on my computer.I am a
gt; new computer user.
Check with your public library. The reference librarians might be able to
help you. Also, any public school systems have continuing ed classes that
don't cost much, and their schedules are often available at the library.
Also, technical schools and junior colleges would have introductory classes.
Definitely, you don't want to use Excel to write a book. You would use a
word processing program, such as Word, which might be overkill in some ways.
Also, I've been told Word is not great for handling something that large, and
that there is at least one program designed for such projects. There might
be writers groups in your area that could advise you. There are usually free
publications (eg., Creative Loafing in Atlanta) that list such things, as
well as the newspaper. They are often available at bookstores, as well as
restaurants, etc.
Good luck with your book!
quot;Tushar Mehtaquot; wrote:
gt; I am surprised and disappointed at the abruptness of the other responses.
gt; Of course, if you are absolutely new to using a computer, you will almost
gt; definitely be better off working with someone who can step you through the
gt; basics in person.
gt; But, if you want to boldly go where no can353 has gone before...
gt; If you want to enter details of some entity, consider creating a table in an
gt; XL worksheet. Enter the names of the attributes of the entity in row 1
gt; starting with column A. Then, in row 2 onwards, enter the specifics, one
gt; row per entity.
gt; If that is not what you meant by quot;detailsquot; you may have to explain the
gt; problem in some more detail -- or see paragraph 2 above. ;-)
gt; --
gt; Regards,
gt; Tushar Mehta
gt; Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
gt; Custom MS Office productivity solutions
gt; In article gt;, can353
gt; says...
gt; gt; please,tell me how to type and record all the details on my computer.I am a
gt; gt; new computer user.
gt; gt;
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:35
I want to write a book on my computer.How can I type?