
I want a formula that will calculate time, this is my problem: Sheet 2,
A1=13:00, A2=12:00, A3=14:00. (these are the results from a time sheet
I created on Sheet 1), I need A4 to be the total of A1,2 amp; 3 Cells eg:
(39:00), Sounds easy but it just won't work, ive tried every format
there is and just about every formula. I know its using a 24 hour
timing but if A1 to A3 is the result of a calculation from Sheet 1 the
formula I put in A4 will change. Can anyone please help, Ive tried
about every site I know on the net and I can't find the answer.--
Chris Watson
Chris Watson's Profile:;userid=4700
View this thread: A4 as Custom, Type: [h]:mm
(include the 2 square brackets around the quot;hquot;)
This allows roll-over 24 hours, and A4 will then show: 39:00
quot;Chris Watsonquot; gt;
wrote in message
gt; I want a formula that will calculate time, this is my problem: Sheet 2,
gt; A1=13:00, A2=12:00, A3=14:00. (these are the results from a time sheet
gt; I created on Sheet 1), I need A4 to be the total of A1,2 amp; 3 Cells eg:
gt; (39:00), Sounds easy but it just won't work, ive tried every format
gt; there is and just about every formula. I know its using a 24 hour
gt; timing but if A1 to A3 is the result of a calculation from Sheet 1 the
gt; formula I put in A4 will change. Can anyone please help, Ive tried
gt; about every site I know on the net and I can't find the answer.
gt; --
gt; Chris Watson
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Chris Watson's Profile:;userid=4700
gt; View this thread:
Just format Custom as [hh]:mm


Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;Chris Watsonquot; gt;
wrote in message
gt; I want a formula that will calculate time, this is my problem: Sheet 2,
gt; A1=13:00, A2=12:00, A3=14:00. (these are the results from a time sheet
gt; I created on Sheet 1), I need A4 to be the total of A1,2 amp; 3 Cells eg:
gt; (39:00), Sounds easy but it just won't work, ive tried every format
gt; there is and just about every formula. I know its using a 24 hour
gt; timing but if A1 to A3 is the result of a calculation from Sheet 1 the
gt; formula I put in A4 will change. Can anyone please help, Ive tried
gt; about every site I know on the net and I can't find the answer.
gt; --
gt; Chris Watson
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Chris Watson's Profile:
gt; View this thread:

Try it for your self, Open a blank sheet, Format all cells as [hh]:mm,
in A1 put 06:00, in A2 put 05:00, in A3 put 07:00, in A4 put 08:00, now
B1 put in the formula =A1 A2 amp; in B2 put in formula =A3 A4. now put in
B3 =B1 B2. It just won't work which ever way you format the cells, I
have worked on this problem for 3 days now trying every possible
combination, I would give my right arm for the solution. I know this is
a 24 hour time calculation but if the cells you are adding together are
results of calculations from other cells the formula won't work. Try it
for your self. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!--
Chris Watson
Chris Watson's Profile:;userid=4700
View this thread: course we tried, we always do.
I retried your exact example from your last post and got 26:00, which is
You still didn't tell us what you get!

Kind regards,

Niek Ottenquot;Chris Watsonquot; gt;
wrote in message
gt; Try it for your self, Open a blank sheet, Format all cells as [hh]:mm,
gt; in A1 put 06:00, in A2 put 05:00, in A3 put 07:00, in A4 put 08:00, now
gt; B1 put in the formula =A1 A2 amp; in B2 put in formula =A3 A4. now put in
gt; B3 =B1 B2. It just won't work which ever way you format the cells, I
gt; have worked on this problem for 3 days now trying every possible
gt; combination, I would give my right arm for the solution. I know this is
gt; a 24 hour time calculation but if the cells you are adding together are
gt; results of calculations from other cells the formula won't work. Try it
gt; for your self. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!
gt; --
gt; Chris Watson
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Chris Watson's Profile:
gt; View this thread:

I, too, followed your example, step-by-step and got a result of 26:00

The advice you've been given is correct

You must be doing something wrong--
Cutter's Profile:;userid=9848
View this thread:

again you are telling your result!
what is your input??

then only ppl will diagonise the disease???!!!


Cutter Wrote:
gt; I, too, followed your example, step-by-step and got a result of 26:00
gt; The advice you've been given is correct
gt; You must be doing something wrong--
via135's Profile:;userid=26725
View this thread:
OK this is the situation, I am designing a HGV Drivers timesheet which
includes deliveries and POA (Period of Availability) calculator. I have
10 sheets, sheet 1 is drivers details, Sheets 2 to 8 are days of the
week, sheet 9 is a weekly summary. as a test Sunday (Sheet 2) I started
work at 18:00 and finished at 07:00 giving 13:00 shift. Monday (sheet 3)
I started and finished the same as Sunday, I have transfered both total
times to sheet 9, 13:00 for sunday amp; 13:00 for monday. I have a
separate block of cells that calculate the weeks results so there is a
duty time cell with the total, adding both sunday amp; monday times
together gives me a total of 1130:00, not 26:00 that I want, I have
tried every format there is and can't get it to work. If anybody wants
me to email a copy of the time sheets to them I will with pleasure, I
have highlighted in orange the problem. There are no macros in my time
Chris Watson
Chris Watson's Profile:;userid=4700
View this thread: mail the workbook. It is just now that it occurs to me you include
Kind regards,

Niek Ottenquot;Chris Watsonquot; gt;
wrote in message
gt; OK this is the situation, I am designing a HGV Drivers timesheet which
gt; includes deliveries and POA (Period of Availability) calculator. I have
gt; 10 sheets, sheet 1 is drivers details, Sheets 2 to 8 are days of the
gt; week, sheet 9 is a weekly summary. as a test Sunday (Sheet 2) I started
gt; work at 18:00 and finished at 07:00 giving 13:00 shift. Monday (sheet 3)
gt; I started and finished the same as Sunday, I have transfered both total
gt; times to sheet 9, 13:00 for sunday amp; 13:00 for monday. I have a
gt; separate block of cells that calculate the weeks results so there is a
gt; duty time cell with the total, adding both sunday amp; monday times
gt; together gives me a total of 1130:00, not 26:00 that I want, I have
gt; tried every format there is and can't get it to work. If anybody wants
gt; me to email a copy of the time sheets to them I will with pleasure, I
gt; have highlighted in orange the problem. There are no macros in my time
gt; sheet.
gt; --
gt; Chris Watson
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Chris Watson's Profile:
gt; View this thread:


if then
Open a blank sheet, Format all cells as [hh]:mm, in A1 put 06:00, in A2
put 05:00, in A3 put 07:00, in A4 put 08:00, now B1 put in the formula
=A1 A2 amp; in B2 put in formula =A3 A4. now put in B3 =B1 B2.

you will get quot;26:00quot;

it's simple!

-via135Chris Watson Wrote:
gt; OK this is the situation, I am designing a HGV Drivers timesheet which
gt; includes deliveries and POA (Period of Availability) calculator. I have
gt; 10 sheets, sheet 1 is drivers details, Sheets 2 to 8 are days of the
gt; week, sheet 9 is a weekly summary. as a test Sunday (Sheet 2) I started
gt; work at 18:00 and finished at 07:00 giving 13:00 shift. Monday (sheet 3)
gt; I started and finished the same as Sunday, I have transfered both total
gt; times to sheet 9, 13:00 for sunday amp; 13:00 for monday. I have a
gt; separate block of cells that calculate the weeks results so there is a
gt; duty time cell with the total, adding both sunday amp; monday times
gt; together gives me a total of 1130:00, not 26:00 that I want, I have
gt; tried every format there is and can't get it to work. If anybody wants
gt; me to email a copy of the time sheets to them I will with pleasure, I
gt; have highlighted in orange the problem. There are no macros in my time
gt; sheet.--
via135's Profile:;userid=26725
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